Web Activities

The web activity view object contains information such as activity reference, marketing activity url, marketing activity duration, contact, marketing activity first page view url, marketing activity date, marketing activity email web link, marketing activity asset name and so on.

Data Store Key : CrmAnalyticsAM.CrmExtractAM.ZcaBiccExtractAM.WebActivityExtractPVO

Primary Keys : WebActivityId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ActivityReferenceId The activity reference identifier for the web activity.
CampaignId The campaign identifier associated with the web activity.
ContactId The contact party identifier associated with the web activity.
CreatedBy The user who created the web activity.
CreationDate The date when the web activity was created.
ElqActivityDate The date of the web activity.
ElqActivityId The activity identifier for web activity from the marketing system.
ElqActivityType The type for web activity.
ElqAssetId The marketing asset identifier associated with the web activity.
ElqAssetName The marketing asset name associated with the web activity.
ElqAssetType The marketing asset type associated with the web activity.
ElqCampaignId The marketing campaign identifier associated with the web activity.
ElqContactId The marketing contact identifier of the contact associated with the web activity.
ElqDeploymentId The marketing email deployment identifier associated with the web activity.
ElqDuration The duration of web visit activity.
ElqEmailAddress The email address of the contact or lead associated with the web activity.
ElqEmailClickedThruLink The email click through link associated with the web activity.
ElqEmailRecipientId The email recipient identifier of the web activity.
ElqEmailSendType The marketing email send type associated with the web activity.
ElqEmailWebLink The email web link associated with the web activity.
ElqExternalId The external identifier for web activity from the marketing system.
ElqFirstPageViewUrl The URL of the first page view activity of a web visit activity.
ElqNumberOfPages The number of pages viewed during the web activity. This is for the web activities of type web visit.
ElqSubjectLine The email subject line associated with the web activity.
ElqUrl The URL of the page view activity.
ElqUrlDescription The URL description of the web activity.
ElqWebVisitId The web visit identifier associated with the page view activity.
LastUpdateDate The date when the web activity was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin The login of the user who last updated the web activity.
LastUpdatedBy The user who late updated the web activity.
LeadId The lead identifier associated with the web activity.
WebActivityId The unique identifier of the web activity.
WebActivityNumber The public unique identifier for web activity.