Add Reports to Sales Quota Pages

You can change Quota UIs so your salespeople have the most useful reports and graphs. Create reports using Answers or Business Intelligence. Add them to the Quota Analytics tab. Salespeople select the report from the list of reports on the tab.

To add a report to your page:

  1. Create your Answers or Business Intelligence Publisher reports for quotas.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Standard Lookups

  3. Go to the lookup type ORA_MOT_QM)MSQ_REPORT for the Manage Sales Quotas page, or ORA_MOT_QM)ESQ_REPORT for the Edit Sales Quotas page.

  4. Add a new lookup code for each new report to be added on the page. For example, to add a second report to the Manage Sales Quota page, add the lookup code MOT_QM_MSQ_REPORT2. To add a report to the Edit Sales Quota page the lookup code would be MOT_QM_ESQ_REPORT3. For each additional report to embed in the page, increment the number used in the lookup code.

  5. In the Meaning field, enter the report name, for example Quotas by Salesperson Report. The name doesn't need to match with the report name in the Business Intelligence catalog.

  6. In the Description field, enter the report absolute path, for example /shared/Sales/Analytic Library/Embedded Content/Sales Quota Management/MyBIPReport.xdo.

    • For Answers reports, find the absolute path in the properties of the report.

    • For BI Publisher reports, click the Copy Resource button to find the absolute path to the report.

  7. Set the display sequence. This determines the order of the reports shown in the Analytics tab. The report lookup code with the lowest display sequence number determines the report that's displayed by default.