How You Allocate, Publish, and Revise Quotas

When you complete assigning quotas to your directs, you publish the quotas to the owners and resources of your child territories. Child territory owners can then view their quotas for the territories they own.

Publishing your quotas also sends notifications containing resource quota information to an incentive compensation analyst. The territory owner and your manager receive notifications that the quotas are published.

Allocate Quotas

You can allocate quotas in the Manage Sales Quotas page. Sales administrators can enter and edit territory, owner, and team member quotas for any territory quotas that aren't published. Sales managers can enter and edit child quotas that aren't published. For territory quotas that aren't published, you can also:

  • Enter or edit a quota for each period

  • Apply seasonality factors

Select a parent territory and click Details to use the Edit Sales Quotas page to enter or edit quotas. You can enter annual quotas, period quotas, and apply seasonality to any quotas not published. Assign resource quotas on the Resource Quota tab in the Details region. Besides the owner's resource quota, you can add and assign quotas to other team members.

Publish Quotas

When you finish allocating your quota, you publish the quotas to make them available to your directs. After publishing, you can't make changes to the quotas.

You can select one or more territories to publish. If you click Publish Child Territories, then the selected territories and their children are published. A sales administrator can publish a hierarchy of territories from the Actions menu. When you publish a territory, you publish the following, and the data becomes available for Business Intelligence:

  • Territory quota

  • Resource quotas for all sales goals for the selected territory

  • Resource quotas assigned to team members

  • Quotas assigned to finer time periods

If you didn't apply seasonality to quotas, then the publishing process applies the seasonality factor that was defined in the sales quota plan for the territory. If there are no seasonality factor groups defined, then seasonality factors aren't applied and there is no granular time period quota. Excluded territories can't be published. Publishing fails if the selected territory or any territory resource has no quota.

Tip: Save time entering period quotas. Seasonality gets applied automatically when you publish if you haven't manually entered period quotas.

Copy Territory Quotas to Resource Quotas

By setting two profile options, the administrator enables the automatic copying of quotas during publishing. Publishing does the following:

  • Copies the territory owner's annual quota for the sales revenue goal to the owner's resource quota.

  • If the owner's annual resource quota is zero, then publishing copies the territory period quotas to resource period quotas. It overwrites any existing resource period quotas.

Revise Quotas

Before you can revise published quotas, you must change the quota status to Pending Revision. The Revise action changes the status for your selected territory and its children. You can then revise territory quotas, and add, revise, or end date resource quotas. When you complete your revisions you can again publish the quotas and send notifications. The territory quotas change to the Published status and resource quotas change to the Submitted status.

When you revise quotas, the revised values aren't available in Business Intelligence until you republish the revised quotas.