Add the Business Unit Field to Leads

After you modify the UI, salespeople can associate a business unit (BU) with their leads using a drop-down list in the Edit Lead page. You enable the drop-down list using Application Composer.

Add the Business Unit Field

Here's how to add the Business Unit field to the Edit Lead page:

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Navigate to Application Composer.

  3. Expand Standard Objects and navigate to Sales Lead > Pages. The Sales Leads: Pages page appears.

  4. In the Sales Leads: Pages page, ensure that the Application Pages tab is active.

  5. In the Details Page Layouts region, click the duplicate layout icon to duplicate and edit an existing layout.

  6. In the Duplicate Layout dialog window, enter the new layout name and select the existing page layout to duplicate.

  7. Click Save and Edit. Your new Details Layout page appears, with the name of the new layout in the page title.

  8. In the Summary subtab region, click the edit icon.

  9. In the Details Layout: Default custom layout: Edit Summary page, find the Business Unit field in the Configure Detail Form list. Move the field from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list.

  10. Click Save and Close.

  11. Click Done in the Details Layout: Default custom layout page.

  12. Validate the change by navigating to the Edit Lead page and verify that you can see the Business Unit field.

  13. Publish the sandbox.

The Business Unit field is now available to sales users in the edit lead pages.