Map the Lead Business Unit for Territory Assignment

If you want to use business units in territory assignment, you must set up a mapping between the lead BU field and the territory dimension, Business Unit.

For example, you have a scenario where your organization:

  • Has multiple business units with defined territories

  • Wants to assign sales leads based on the business unit

In this example, let's say the lead is contained in BU1. In this case, set up the assignment mapping so that territory assignment only matches the BU1 territories (along with any matching dimensions). For example, matching dimensions might include geography, product, account type, sales channel and so forth.

Set Up the Lead Business Unit Mapping

Here's how to set up the lead business unit mapping:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Leads

    • Task: Manage Sales Lead Assignment Objects

  2. On the Manage Sales Lead Assignment Objects page, locate and select Sales Lead in the Name column.

  3. In the Sales Lead: Details region, select the Candidates tab.

  4. Select the Sales Lead Territory candidate.

  5. Select the Sales Lead Territory: Mapping Sets tab.

  6. In the Name column, select from one of these active mapping sets for the sales lead object you want:

    • Mapping Set 1

    • Mapping Set 2

    • Mapping Set 3

    • Mapping Set 4

    • Mapping Set 5

  7. In the Mapping Set: Mappings region, locate and select the BUnit dimension function code.

  8. Deselect the Inactive check box to make the function code active.

  9. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for each sales lead Mapping Set.

  10. Click Save and Publish.

  11. Monitor and refresh the page to confirm the publish process has succeeded.

The sales lead assignment processing is now ready to use the active BU information when assigning territories.