Overview of Multiple Business Units in Opportunities

Using multiple business units in opportunities lets users associate opportunities and related attributes with a specific business unit (BU) and then report on the data by BU.

Business Units and Opportunity Attributes

In addition to associating an opportunity itself with a BU, you can also associate several opportunity attributes with business units.

The following opportunity attributes are set-enabled and hence allow association with a business unit and with reference data sets. Reference data sets let objects share reference data across BUs. For example, you can choose to have opportunity the Win/Loss Reason lookup type shared across BUs, or you can choose to have each BU manage its own. You can also assign a reference data set to reference data objects, such as sales methods.

  • Opportunity lookup types:

    • Win/Loss Reason (MOO_SETID_WIN_LOSS_REASON)

    • Strategic Value (MOO_SETID_STRATEGIC_VALUE)

    • Opportunity Assessment Override Reason (MOO_SETID_ASSESS_OVRRIDE_RSN)

    • Decision Level (MOO_SETID_DECISION_LEVEL)

    • Estimated Deal Duration (MOO_SETID_DEAL_HORIZION)

    • Level of Risk (MOO_SETID_RISK_LEVEL)

    • Sales Revenue Category (MOO_SETID_REVN_CATEGORY)

    • Sales Revenue Type (MOO_SETID_REVENUE_TYPE)

  • Sales methods

  • Sales statuses

When you enable set-ID lookup types, you must assign them to a business unit in the Manage Set Enabled Lookups page in the Setup and Maintenance work area. To find this page, do the following:

  1. Sign in as a setup user or sales administrator.

  2. In Setup and Maintenance, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Set Enabled Lookups

For an example of using a set-enabled lookup, see Example of a Set-Enabled Lookup

For more information about reference data sets, see How Business Units Work with Reference Data Sets

You can set several opportunity profile options at the business unit level, and you can specify the default sales method for a business unit. For more information, see Specify Sales Business Function Properties.