Associate Business Units with Resource Organizations

You can associate resource organizations with multiple business units.

The first business unit that you associate with a resource organization is automatically listed as the primary unit.

Associating resource organizations with business units helps you to view the relevant transactional details associated with the resource, such as opportunities, leads, and so on. By associating resource organizations with business units, you can also control access to contracts that are based on business units.

Users are associated with a business unit through their resource organization membership. Resource organizations are mapped to one or more business units. When a sales user is created, the user is assigned to a resource organization, and gains access to each business unit that's mapped to the resource organization. For example, users can access relevant transactional data associated with their primary business unit, but might also have access to relevant transactional data in other business units through their resource organization.

For more information about data access and business units, see the topics in the Securing CX Sales and Fusion Service guide.

You can associate a resource organization with multiple business units from the Resource Directory. For more information, see the Associate Resource Organizations with Multiple Business Units topic.