Batch Assignment Diagnostic Log

When you run batch assignment in diagnostic mode, an output log is generated with details of the assignment processing. You can use these details to troubleshoot any issues with territory assignment.

The log helps you understand why certain leads or opportunities weren't assigned to your territories as expected. This table provides an example of a lead batch assignment diagnostic run of territory-based assignment with rule filtering for a lead. It includes an explanation of each section of the log.

Note: Use the search feature in your log file to search on keywords, such as the error message number, for example 225203, to locate a specific section.

Example Log File Entries


The assignment processing is in diagnostic mode. Assignment results won't be stored. The following number of work objects will be processed: 1.

Provides a summary of the assignment processing and the number of work objects to be processed.

You can change the number of work objects allowed to be processed in diagnostic mode through the MOW_DIAG_MODE_WO_LIMIT profile option. The default setting is 1.

The process 63034 started at time Wed, July 13 05:48:54 and is processing the following number of work objects: 1.

Work Object = Lead_Work_Object_Lead

Candidate Object = Territory_Candidate_Object_Lead

Assignment Mode = Territory

View Criteria Name = LeadAssignmentDiagnosticVC

View Criteria Bind Values = BindLeadNumberDiag= 108970

Rule Category Name = ORA_Sales_Lead_Territory_Rule_Category

Replace Team = true

Maximum Sub Processes per Process = 10

Metric Logging Interval = 0

Test Data Parameters =

Diagnostic Mode = true

Lets you confirm the objects being processed in this batch, for example territories being assigned to leads, the type of assignment processing, and the other parameters and their values relevant for this batch process. Indicates the following:

  • The process has started.

  • Work object being processed and the candidates being found.

  • Type of assignment processing:

    • Territory is territory assignment

    • Matching is assignment using rules

    • Score is scoring

    • Classification is ranking or qualification

  • View criteria and bind value in leads which determine the set of leads that are included in this batch assignment process.

  • Diagnostic mode setting.

Matching request for work object Lead_Work_Object_Lead with the identifier 108970 and candidate object Territory_Candidate_Object_Lead is in process. (MOW-225169)

Geography Identifier = 4,Customer Primary Address=310 Park Ave SE Ste 2c5,OLYMPIA, WA 98504-0001

Party ID = 999997551079430

Lead Number = 108970

Customer ID = 999997551079430

Industry Classification code= 2900

Organization Size = VERY_SMALL

Organization Type = null

Geography Identifier = 15

Custom Account Indicator = null

Account = A. C. Network (Olympia, US)

Sales Account Type = NAMED


OrgTp,Classification Code = A: PS-SL; T: PS-SL

Primary Partner Identifier = null

Acct,Customer ID = 999997551079430

Prospect Account Indicator = null

Sales Account Indicator = Y

Auxiliary Classification Code 2 = OFN1

Auxiliary Classification Code 3 = LANG-12113

Industry Classification Code = 2900

Auxiliary Classification Code 1 = CORPORATION

Named Sales Account = Y

Score = null

Provides a summary of the active assignment attributes and their values that will be used in the processing of this lead.

Only a subset of these attributes may be used in the assignment processing of a lead, for example lead ranking rule may only use the score and time frame attributes.

  • Values for the work object.

  • Attributes that are null.

  • Attributes that indicate the type of lead being processed. For example, Sales Account Indicator = Y

Use this information to confirm the data values for the work object that may be used in the assignment processing.

Assignment matching using mapping set Mapping Set 1 is in process. (MOW-225185)

Assignment mapping values were retrieved. (MOW-225211)

Function Code = Geo,Geography Identifier = 4,Customer Primary Address = 310 Park Ave SE Ste 2c5,OLYMPIA, WA 98504-0001

Function Code = CSize,Organization Size = VERY_SMALL

Function Code = AcTyp,Sales Account Type = NAMED

Function Code = Indst,Industry Classification Code = 2900

Function Code = Acct,Customer ID = 999997551079430

Function Code = OrgTp,Classification Code = A: PS-SL; T: PS-SL

Function Code = SChnl,Sales Channel = ZPM_DIRECT_CHANNEL_TYPES

Shows the active assignment mappings that drive territory-based assignment for this lead. Also shows the value for each mapping.

If an unexpected territory or set of territories has previously been assigned to the work object, then confirm that this is the information you expected to be used for this lead.

Assignment mapping values were translated to sequence values. (MOW-225212)

Function Code = CSize,Translated values = (7,7)

Function Code = Indst,Translated values = (26,26)

Function Code = SChnl,Translated values = (1,5)

Function Code = Acct,Translated values = (999997551079430)

Function Code = AcTyp,Translated values = (1,1)

Function Code = Geo,Translated values=(4,WA),(999984000001036,Pacific),(999984000001009,West),(1,United States),(999984000000008,North American Sales),(999984000000004),(ANY)

Function Code = Prod,Translated values = (1,999999999999999)

Function Code = OrgTp,Translated values = (77,77)

This section is relevant for Oracle Support to troubleshoot assignment issues.

Candidate matches were identified. Post processing is in progress. (MOW-225210)

The territory with the attribute name Territory Number and attribute value 5377182 was deleted because it's a parent. (MOW-225209)

The territory with the attribute name Territory Number and attribute value 282312 was deleted because of an exclusion. (MOW-225208)

Indicates that matching candidates were found and lists the matching candidates that were dropped since they're either parent candidates or part of excluded territories.

If this lead was assigned previously and the territory you expected wasn't assigned, then review this list of dropped territories. The territory might have been dropped because it was a parent territory and a lower level territory under this also matched. Alternatively, this territory might have been excluded for this lead (for example, a partner might have rejected this lead) or the territory might have an exclusion coverage that contains the account on this lead.

The final matching candidates for mapping set Mapping Set 1 were identified. (MOW-225207)

Territory Number = 83,Territory ID = 100000013157305

Territory Number = 473,Territory ID = 100000013157417

Territory Number = 69095,Territory ID = 100100051383477

Territory Number = 496,Territory ID = 300100003212620

Territory Number = 95,Territory ID = 300100003282208

Territory Number = 45,Territory ID = 300100004466888

Territory Number = 233,Territory ID = 300100004466906

Shows the final list of matching territories.

Matching request for work object Lead_Work_Object_Lead with the identifier 142802 and candidate object Territory_Candidate_Object_Lead is in process. (MOW-225169)

Assignment processing using rule set RS12 is in progress. (MOW-225202)

Candidate matches were identified. Post processing is in progress. (MOW-225210)

The final matching candidates for rule set RS12 were identified. (MOW-225201)

The following number of candidates was returned for the matching request for work object Lead_Work_Object_Lead with the identifier 142802: 63. (MOW-225170)

The assignment of the following number of candidates to work object Lead_Work_Object_Lead with the identifier 142802 is in process: 63. (MOW-225167)

If territory-based assignment with rule filtering was used, this section shows the rule set processing.

The existing candidates were identified. (MOW-225200)

Territory Number = 335

Territory Number = 274

Territory Number = 32

The following number of existing candidates were removed from the work object Lead_Work_Object_Lead with the identifier 142802: 13. (MOW-225181)

Territory Number = 274

Territory Number = 32

Territory Number = 220

Assignment disposition for work object Lead_Work_Object_Lead with the identifier 142802 is complete. (MOW-225166)

If the lead was previously assigned, this section shows the existing territories as well as shows any territories that no longer match and therefore are going to be removed from the lead.

The lead assignment post processing has started.

The lead reassign value is set to N and assignment status is set to Assigned as part of lead assignment post processing.

The lead last assignment post processing date and time is set at 2016-08-11 06:31:09.0.

The lead assignment post processing has been completed.

Shows the leads post processing information, such as lead reassigned indicator is set to No, and that the last assigned date and time is set.

Assignment matching using mapping set Mapping Set 2 is in process. (MOW-225185)

The mapping set Mapping Set 2 was skipped as the conditional attribute Primary Partner Identifier is blank. (MOW-225206)

Shows the progress of assignment matching for a mapping set.

In this example, there are multiple active mapping sets and the next mapping set (for example, Mapping Set 2) has a conditional attribute defined. For this lead, this attribute doesn't contain a value, and so the territory matching for this mapping set isn't needed and therefore isn't performed.

Assignment matching using mapping set Mapping Set 3 is in process. (MOW-225185)

The mapping set Mapping Set 3 was skipped as the conditional attribute Prospect Account Indicator is blank. (MOW-225206)

Shows the progress of assignment matching for a mapping set.

In this example, there are multiple active mapping sets and the next mapping set (for example, Mapping Set 3) has a conditional attribute defined. For this lead, this attribute doesn't contain a value, and so the territory matching for this mapping set isn't needed and therefore isn't performed.

Assignment matching using mapping set Mapping Set 4 is in process. (MOW-225185)

The mapping set Mapping Set 4 was skipped as the conditional attribute Custom Account Indicator is blank. (MOW-225206)

Shows the progress of assignment matching for a mapping set.

In this example, there are multiple active mapping sets and the next mapping set (for example, Mapping Set 4) has a conditional attribute defined. For this lead, this attribute doesn't contain a value, and so the territory matching for this mapping set isn't needed and therefore isn't performed.

Assignment matching using mapping set Mapping Set 5 is in process. (MOW-225185)

The mapping set Mapping Set 5 was skipped as the conditional attribute SimlifiedLeadFlag is blank. (MOW-225206)

Note: A sales lead is one where an existing account and contact is associated to the lead. A simplified lead is one where the lead has either a new account or a new contact associated with it. When the flag SimlifiedLeadFlag is set to Yes for a simplified lead, this means the Mapping Set 5 becomes active.

Shows the progress of assignment matching for a mapping set.

In this example, there are multiple active mapping sets and the next mapping set (for example, Mapping Set 5) has a conditional attribute defined. For this lead, this attribute doesn't contain a value, and so the territory matching for this mapping set isn't needed and therefore isn't performed.

The total number of work objects processed: 1. Number of work objects successfully processed: 1. Number of work objects failed: 0. (MOW-225127)

Provides summary of how many work objects were successfully processed and how many failed.