Configure Mass Update for Different User Roles

You can show a different set of mass update fields to different users in the same work area, in cases where you want users with different roles to be able update different fields.

You accomplish this by using separate custom page layouts for different user roles. If you want users with different job roles to see a different set of fields in mass update, then create different custom landing page layouts for them. For each landing page layout, you:

  1. Manually display the Update action.

  2. Configure a different set of mass update fields in each landing page layout that's intended for each role.

  3. Assign a different role to each layout.

Here are the high-level steps add a role to a custom layout:

  1. Follow the steps in the Enable Mass Update of Records topic to create the custom landing page layouts you need.

  2. Navigate to the landing page layouts table for the object in Application Composer.

  3. Select your custom layout.

  4. Click the Role Name arrow in the row.

  5. In the Select: Roles window, select CRM - Job Roles in the Role Category Filter.

  6. Click the Specific role radio button in the Role field.

  7. Click the Show available predefined roles check box.

  8. Move the applicable role from the Available Roles shuttle region to the Selected Roles shuttle region.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Repeat for the other custom layouts you're using.

Example Use Case

Let's say that you don't want salespeople to be able to mass update the Sales Channel fields during mass update on a partner opportunity. But you still want channel managers to be able to mass update those fields. So you remove the Sales Channel field from the mass update list on your custom Sales Representative landing page layout. Then, add the Sales Channel field to the mass update list on your custom Channel Manager landing page layout.