How do I enable mass update of records?

Salespeople can use the mass update feature to bulk update fields on multiple records. They can update multiple fields on several object records at once, without opening each individual record.

For example, a salesperson can update the sales stage on multiple opportunities at the same time with just a few clicks. Or, a salesperson can update rank and deal size on several leads at once.

Here's the setup flow:

  1. Add the Update action to the landing pages of the work areas where you want to enable the feature. Landing pages are the only pages that support the mass update feature.
  2. Optionally, configure which fields salespeople can update. You can use the default fields already set if you want. Or you can configure the list yourself.
  3. Optionally, set profile options to specify how many records salespeople can update at once. You can use the default value of 25 records if you want.

Supported Objects for Mass Update

These are the predefined, standard business objects that support mass update:

  • Activities
  • Accounts
  • Assets
  • Contacts
  • Sales Leads
  • Opportunities

Custom objects also support mass update.

Add the Update Action

Salespeople access the mass update feature using the Update action that you enable in the work area landing pages of classic Sales. The action appears as Actions > Update on the landing page toolbar.

Remember, make all Application Composer changes in a sandbox and publish the sandbox according to your company's processes.

These steps use the Opportunity object's landing page as an example. The basic steps are the same for all objects, but the navigation can be different for different objects. See the Landing Page Names in Application Composer section in this topic for the page names and navigation.

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Application Composer.

  2. Expand the Standard Objects tree and then expand the object you want to modify. For example, expand the Opportunity object.

  3. Within the object you're modifying, click the Pages node.

  4. Ensure that the Application Pages tab is selected.

  5. In the Landing Page Layouts region (use the Activities region for the Activities object), select the Standard layout, and then click the duplicate layout icon to duplicate and edit the resulting copy. Alternatively, you can edit an existing, custom layout.

  6. Now, edit the new layout. For example, to edit the Opportunities landing page, click the edit (pencil) icon on the Fuse Opportunity Overview Table.

  7. In edit mode for the landing page, navigate to the Configure Detail Form: Buttons and Actions region.

  8. In the Available Actions window, double-click the Update action to move it to the Selected Actions window.

  9. Click Save and Close, then Done.

  10. Test the changes using the steps in the Test the Changes section later in this topic.

Set the Updatable Fields

Now that you have enabled the Update action, configure the fields salespeople can update using mass update. Each object already has several fields enabled for the mass update feature. If you want, configure this list to include other standard fields, or even custom fields. Keep in mind that if you're setting up the mass update feature for custom objects, then you must configure the list of fields that can be updated by users -- it's not optional like with standard objects.

You configure the list of mass update fields using the same custom landing page layout where you manually displayed the Update action:

  1. In Application Composer, navigate to the Pages node for the object you're configuring.

  2. Edit the same landing page layout where you manually displayed the Update action in the above procedure.

  3. Navigate to the Configure Mass Update Fields region.

  4. In the Available Fields box, double-click the fields that you want to make available for the mass update feature at runtime. Or, use the arrows to move the items that you want to make available. See the Rules for Certain Field Types below for some details on field types and limitations or behavior.

  5. After you're done making changes, click Save and Close, then Done.

Rules for Certain Field Types

Consider these rules for certain field types as you set up the feature:

  • You can use both standard and custom fields. However, read-only fields, such as formula fields, and fields that can be conditionally updated, aren't included in the list.

  • Some fixed-choice list fields are related in a parent-child relationship. This simply means that the values displayed in the child field are dependent on whatever is selected in the parent field. If you want to make a child fixed choice list field available for the mass update feature, then you must also include its parent field.

Configure the Number of Updatable Records

You can configure the maximum number of records that users can update at once by setting profile options.

Here's the behavior:

  • The default value of the profile options is 25, meaning the maximum number of records that salespeople can update at once for those objects is 25.

  • The maximum number of records that can be updated at once is 500.

  • If a profile option value has a null value, the application sets the number of records that can be updated at once to 10.

  • For custom objects, the threshold value is set at 25 and can't be changed using a profile option.

Here are the mass update threshold profile options. The profile option codes are listed in parentheses.


Profile Option


Activity Mass Update Threshold Value (ZMM_MASS_UPDATE_THRESHOLD)




Sales Lead


Custom objects

Mass Update Threshold Value (ZBS_MASS_UPDATE_THRESHOLD)

Set the Profile Options

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values

  2. In the search region of the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, enter the profile option name in the Profile Display Name field. Or, enter the code in the Profile Option Code field.

  3. Click Search.

  4. In the list that's returned, click the profile option name link.

  5. Set the profile option value as needed.

  6. Save your changes.

Test the Changes

It's a good idea to test the changes. For example:

  1. Sign in as a user who has access to the object you just modified, such as a sales representative or sales manager.

  2. Go to the landing page and click the Actions menu to verify that the Update action is available.

  3. Go through the mass update flow with some records to be sure it's working as you expect. See the Related Topics for the procedures.

Landing Page Names in Application Composer

As you modify the landing pages, it's helpful to know their names in Application Composer. Here are the pages, along with the navigation steps to get to them:

Object in Application Composer

Navigation to Landing Page Layout

Name of the Landing Page You Need to Edit


Activity > Pages > Application Pages > Landing Page Layouts > Activities region

My Activity Overview Table


Account > Pages > Application Pages > Landing Page Layouts

FUSE Account View List Table


Asset > Pages > Application Pages > Landing Page Layouts

Asset Overview Table


Contact > Pages > Application Pages > Landing Page Layouts

Fuse Contact List Table

Sales Lead

Sales Lead > Pages > Application Pages > Landing Page Layouts

Fuse Lead Overview Table


Opportunity > Pages > Application Pages > Landing Page Layouts

Fuse Opportunity Overview Table