Add Lightbox Presentation Feedback Subtab

The Lightbox presentation feedback resource is used to view, create, update, and delete the ratings and comments from the attendees at a Lightbox presentation session.

The feedback can apply to an individual, Lightbox document page, or to an overall Lightbox document presented during a presentation session.

Here's how to add a feedback subtab.

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Click Navigator > Configuration > Application Composer.

  3. In the Objects navigation tree, expand Standard Objects then expand Lightbox Presentation Feedback.

  4. Click the Pages node.

  5. Ensure that the Application Pages tab is selected.

  6. In the Details Page Layouts section, select Default Layout and click the Edit icon.

  7. In the Subtabs Region, click the Hide Show icon.

    The Configure Subtabs shuttle window opens.

  8. Move Feedback from the Available Fields window to the Selected Fields window.

  9. Click OK, then click Done to exit the layout editor.

  10. Verify the changes by viewing the subtab when drilling into a document.

  11. Publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.