Considerations When Setting Up Sales Lightbox

Sales Lightbox is a content library that you can use to store, access, and share files, such as slide decks, web-based content, images, and .pdfs. Lightbox lets users store, access, and share content with individuals, accounts, and opportunities.

You can find more information about Lightbox end user tasks and capabilities in the Using Sales guide.

Supported File Types

Sales Lightbox supports the following file types:

  • Microsoft Powerpoint (.pptx): If you install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack, and save a presentation in the Open XML format (.pptx 2007), then those presentations are fully compatible with Sales Lightbox.

  • Portable Document Format (.pdf): Standard .pdf files are supported.

  • HTML: HTML in the form of microsites: See the topic, Use Microsites in the Lightbox Content Library, for more information.

  • .jpg and .png: Image files in the .jpg and .png formats are supported.

For information about the actions that can be performed on different content types, see the topic, Available Actions for Different Content Types.

Upload File Size

The maximum file size for a presentation to be uploaded is 100 MB.

Salespeople Access

Salespeople can access Sales Lightbox without any setups required. All of the default sales user roles (for example, Sales Representative, Sales Manager, and Sales VP) can access the feature using the Sales > Lightbox menu. In addition, the Sales Administrator user has all of the same permissions that sales users do. For additional details on sales user tasks for Sales Lightbox, see the Using Sales guide.

Lightbox Administrator Access

In addition to the sales user permissions, the supplied Application Implementation Consultant (a type of setup user) and Customer Relationship Management Application Administrator job roles have additional privileges to:

  • Access the All Content view: This view lets the administrator see all content in the application, not just his own. Sales users can't see this view.

  • Delete content: Only the administrator can delete content not owned by him.