Configure Opportunity Close Period Search

When users search for opportunities, they have a choice of several opportunity fields on which to search. One of the fields is Close Period, which is a range based on opportunity close date.

If the supplied opportunity Close Period search values don't meet your business needs, you can add or remove the values that the user can see by modifying the opportunity lookup type, Close Period Values for Search. For example, you can configure the Close Period search so that users can pick all opportunities in the past 45 days, in the current year, in the next three quarters, or in the next three years. You can enable values that aren't enabled by default, and you can add your own user-defined values.

Note that users can search for an opportunity without any close date filter.

Here's how to modify the Close Period Values for Search lookup type:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Standard Lookups

  2. In the Manage Standard Lookups page, search for the lookup type, Close Period Values for Search (MOO_OPTY_SRCH_CLS_PERIOD) and update the lookup codes as needed:

    • Use the Enabled to enable or disable a specific lookup code.

    • Update the meaning (display name), start date, end date, check box or display sequence of any of the predefined values.

    • Add or remove lookup codes, as long as they follow the correct lookup code formatting. See the section, Action and Best Practices, for more information about properly formatted lookup codes.

Action and Best Practices

Typically, in your implementation, you have already created and have in use the accounting calendar, also called the fiscal calendar. The effect of and best practices for the close period lookup type values are different depending on whether they reference standard Gregorian or accounting calendar lookup values.

This table describes the differences for the lookup type MOO_OPTY_SRCH_CLS_PERIOD.

Standard Gregorian Calendar Values

Fiscal/Accounting Calendar Values

The enabled Gregorian periods are displayed.

The enabled fiscal periods are displayed, in addition to the enabled Gregorian periods.

Supported periods are:

  • Day

  • Week

  • Quarter

  • Month

  • Year

Supported periods are:

  • Quarter

  • Year

Lookup codes don't require a suffix as per these examples:

  • CURR_QTR: Current Quarter

  • NEXT_4_QTRS: Next 4 Quarters

  • PREV_180_DAYS: Previous 180 Days

You must enter the correct code as invalid values aren't displayed in the UI.

  • Fiscal period lookup codes must have the suffix _FSCL.

  • Predefined fiscal periods include the term "Fiscal" in the display name, for example, CURR_QTR_FSCL: Current Fiscal Quarter.

These actions and best practices are common to both types of calendars:

  • Close period lookup codes not in the correct format aren't shown.

  • When the accounting calendar and the close period setup don't match (for instance, the accounting calendar is set up for a quarter, but the fiscal period is set to Next Month), then this close period value isn't shown.

  • When the default close period value or a value previously used in a saved search is disabled, then the close date range for that search is set to blank. Users can save the same search with a new value for future use, or they can restore the value, in which case the search would work as before.

  • You can define a close period called "All" that includes a time span wide enough to view all open opportunities in one list, rather than viewing multiple lists for different periods.