Configure Work Area Lists

Here are some procedures you can use to configure work area lists, also called saved searches for those work areas that use the legacy CRM search. You can create lists to replace those supplied by Oracle and you can make your lists available to all users or target users with specific job roles. You can also specify which list appears by default when salespeople open a work area.

Important: This topic applies only to work areas that use the legacy CRM search. If you're a new customer or if you opt in to use the new work areas that are based on Workspace, you must set up Adaptive Search and the saved searches for Workspace instead.
Note: If you're creating lists for a specific job role, then you must first provision yourself with that job role so you can test your work before publishing the sandbox. See the steps outlined in the related topic Assigning Yourself an Additional Job Role.

Here's an overview of the steps to configure work area lists:

  1. Get ready by entering a sandbox with Page Composer.

  2. Navigate to the work area landing page you want to configure and open Page Composer.

  3. Make your modifications:

    • Create your own list.

    • Hide lists provided by Oracle.

    • Delete any of the lists you created.

    • Make a different list appear by default when salespeople open the work area.

  4. Publish the sandbox to make your changes available to users.

Get Ready to Configure Work Area Lists

  1. Create and enter a sandbox with Page Composer as the tool. Other tools don't allow you to make changes at the job-role level, so creating a separate sandbox is a good idea if you're configuring lists for a specific job role.

    1. Navigate to Configuration > Sandboxes.

    2. Click Create Sandbox.

    3. In the Create Sandbox page, enter a name and select Page Composer as the tool.

    4. If you're making changes for a specific job role, then specify the job role for Page Composer:

      1. Click Edit in the Support Context column for Page Composer.

      2. In the Edit Sandbox Context window, select the job role.

      3. Click OK.

    5. Click Create and Enter.

      The Sandbox toolbar appears at the top of the page.

  2. Navigate to the work area you want to modify.

  3. Open Page Composer by selecting the tool from the Tools menu in the sandbox bar at the top of the page.

Create a List

With both the sandbox and the Page Composer toolbar displayed on the top of the page, create your list. You create a new list by editing an existing list and saving it under a new name.

  1. In the work area landing pad, click Show Advanced Search next to the List field.

  2. From the Advanced Search panel Saved Search list, select a saved search to use as the starting point for creating a new one.

    Tip: To create a list using only one field, including custom fields, select a search with either Name or Close Date in the title. For opportunities and leads, select the Close Date saved search. For all other objects, select the name saved search, for example, the Account Name saved search or the Contact Name saved search.
  3. Make your changes. You can:

    • Select a different record set to change the scope of your search. For example, selecting My territory hierarchy searches all the records in your territories and their subordinate territories. The available record sets vary from object to object.

      To improve saved search performance, restrict your saved searches to smaller record sets. For example, rather than searching all the records you can see, search all the records in your territory hierarchy. Or restrict your searches to a smaller geographical area. For example, search all the accounts in one state instead of the whole country.

      Note: For performance reasons, Oracle recommends that you don't use Creation Date as a search filter when using the legacy CRM search, because it isn't an indexed field.
    • Add additional fields by clicking Add.

      Note: If you're adding a custom field to your search, then the field must be indexed for best search performance.
    • Select operators for the fields in your search. While most of the operators, which differ field by field, are self-explanatory, here are some notes on the more complex:

      • Between

        Selecting the Between operator for a date field, prompts you to enter a specific date range for the search.

      • Rolling-time operators, including Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Last Week, This Week, Next Week, Last Month, This Month, and Next Month

        Searching for opportunities created this month, for example, returns opportunities created in the current calendar month. The rolling-time filters use the time zone of the signed-in user for the calculation.

      • Current User

        In some fields, including the Last Updated By and Created By fields, you can create a list that displays only the records relevant to each signed-in user. For example, when you create a list of all opportunities last updated by the current user, all of your users can view the opportunities they recently updated.

      • Is Blank, Is Not Blank, and Does Not Equal

        Selecting the Is Blank operator, makes it possible to search for records missing values in a text field or a field validated by a list of values, for example. Administrators can make these operators available on fields that are not mandatory, by setting two system profile options. The Enable Additional Search Operators for Text Fields (ZCA_ENABLE_ADDITIONAL_TEXT_OPERATORS) profile option enables the Is Blank and Is Not Blank operators in text field searches. The Enable Additional Search Operators for List of Values (ZCA_ENABLE_ADDITIONAL_LOV_OPERATORS) enables the Is Blank, Is Not Blank, and Does Not Equal operators on fields validated by list of values (both fixed choice and dynamic choice list fields).

    • Specify which attributes you want to display in the search results table by selecting Columns from the View menu.

      You can select specific columns or display all columns.

    • Reorder the filter conditions by clicking Reorder.

    • Delete any fields you added to the search.

      You can't delete the fields provided by Oracle. You can only delete fields you added.

  4. You can test your search by clicking Search.

  5. When you're satisfied with the results, click Save.

  6. In the Create Saved Search window, enter a new name for the saved search.

    You can't reuse the names of the saved searches provided by Oracle with the application.

  7. Make sure the Run Automatically option remains selected. Selecting this option runs the query each time you select the list in the UI.

  8. If you want users to see the list generated by this search when they navigate to the work area, then select the Set as Default option.

    Note: Making a search the default doesn't override any default searches individual users may have created for their own use. Each user can personalize lists provided by administrators.
  9. Click OK to return to the work area landing page.

Hide a Saved Search Provided by Oracle

You can't delete a search provided by Oracle, but you can hide it. Here's how. If you want to hide a saved search that's designated as the default search, then you must first designate a different list as the default.

  1. In the work area list page, click Show Advanced Search next to the List field.

  2. From the Advanced Search panel Saved Search list, select a saved search that's different from the one you want to hide.

  3. Now select Personalize.

  4. In the Personalized Saved Searches window, select the saved search you want to hide.

  5. Deselect the Show in Search List option.

  6. Click OK.

    A saved search supplied by Oracle remains available for future use but doesn't display in the work area. You can restore the saved search to the list in the future by selecting the Show in Search List option.

Delete a Saved Search You Created

You can delete searches that you or other administrators created.

Note: If you delete a saved search specified as the default, then no list displays when users navigate to the work area.
  1. In the work area landing pad, click Show Advanced Search next to the List field.

  2. In the Advanced Search panel Saved Search list, select a saved search you want to delete.

  3. Now select Personalize.

    The Personalize Saved Searches window Saved Searches list displays the name of the saved search you're about to delete.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Click OK.

Save Your Work and Publish the Sandbox

  1. When you're done making your changes, you must save them by clicking Close in the Page Composer toolbar.

  2. Publish the sandbox by clicking the sandbox name and selecting Publish.