Considerations for Implementing Lead Management

This topic lists some of the considerations to take into account when planning your implementation of the lead management feature. No setup tasks are mandatory for this feature.

You can manage the necessary configuration, integration, and metadata settings through profile options and lookups to tailor lead management functionality to match your business requirements.

Job Roles and Associated Duty Roles

The Sales Lead Processing Duty gives access to all the underlying processing duties and processing tasks. The Sales Lead Qualification duty provides access to all underlying qualification duties and qualification tasks.

Profile Option Decision Points

Profile options are configurable options that affect application operations. This table outlines some of the decision points that you must consider and the associated profile option that you access to make the appropriate change:

Decision Question

Profile Option

Which assignment rules do you want to use to assign individual resources to the lead sales team?

Lead Assignment Mode

Assignment Rule for Rule-Based Lead Assignment

Which assignment rules do you want to use to assign a territory team to a lead?

Assignment Rule for Territory-Based Lead Assignment

Assignment Rule for Rule-Based Lead Assignment

Which lead ranking rules do you want to use?

Assignment Rule for Ranking Leads

Which lead qualification rules do you want to use?

Assignment Rule for Qualifying Leads

Which leads scoring rules do you want to use?

Assignment Rule for Scoring Leads

Do you want to display the assessment tab in the Edit Lead page?

Lead Assessment Enabled

Which assessment template do you want to use for lead qualification?

Lead Assessment Template Default

Advanced Lead Qualification Enabled

Lead Qualification Template

How many days should you look back when querying leads in Search?

Lead Query Maximum Number of Days

Lead Query Default Number of Days

Lead Query Warning Threshold Number of Days

Do you want to set the maximum number of leads that can have mass update applied in one user action?

Mass Update Threshold Value

Note: The ZBS_MASS_UPDATE_THRESHOLD (Mass Update Threshold Value) profile option specifies the maximum number of records that can be updated in one user action. For Leads, the maximum number of records that can be updated at once is 500. The default value of the profile option is 25.

Do you want users to the able to add or edit products to leads?

Add and Edit Products to Leads Enabled

Do you require additional search criteria, other than creation date, when searching across all leads, or for searches relying on hierarchy rollups?

Require Additional Criteria for Lead Search Enabled

Do you want to set context-based data security policies for improved performance of lead search?

Lead Search Context-Based Data Security Enabled

Note: If you enable this option, then you must also ensure that the filters in the Lead Overview page, such as My Leads, My Subordinate Leads and so on have the required access in Security Console. Otherwise, your lead data search won't return expected results.

Lookup Decision Points

Lookups enable quick selection from drop-down lists. Lookups associated with lead management capabilities are incorporated into its application to speed the process of entering data into forms. You might want to change or add some of the values that are used in the lookup tables. Some of the values you can change include:


Description and Values

Lead Retire Reason

Possible reasons for retiring leads. Retired leads are considered closed leads. Values include:

Duplicate lead or No purchase interest Lead

Reject Reason

Possible reasons specified for rejecting leads. Rejected leads can be reassigned or retired. Values include:

Duplicate lead, Failed to reach contact, and Incorrect data

Lead Time Frame

Lead cycle duration that usually coincides with a typical sales cycle duration for products and services offered. Values include:

3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, and 18 months

Lead Reassignment Reason

Possible reasons specified for reassigning leads. Values include:

No activity, Other, and Workload

Lead Rank

Lead rank values used as a measure of lead quality and prioritization. Values include:

Cool, Hot, and Warm

Lead Source Channel

Source channel responsible for lead generation. Values include:

Direct mail, E-mail, Fax, Marketing Cloud, Phone, Campaign, Sales visit, Social, Company website, Wireless message, Model-based prediction, and Rule-based prediction