Sales Lead Profile Options

Profile options are configurable options that affect application operations. Values defined at the user level take precedence over those at the site level. If a value isn't defined at the user level, the site level value is used.

The effect of setting each of the sales leads profile options are described under these sections:

  • Lead Assignment

  • Lead Qualification and Assessment

  • Lead Update and Attribute Mapping

  • Partner Leads and Deal Registrations

  • Lead Searches

Lead Assignment

This table lists the profile options that affect the assignment of lead status, rank, score, resources, and territories on the lead. Before setting these profile options, you must perform the tasks listed under Configure Assignment Manager for Lead Processing setup task. From there you can review and update assignment of candidate objects such as rank, qualification status, and resources to leads.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Assignment Rule for Qualifying Leads (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_QUAL_RULE)


Specify the rule to evaluate the lead and assign the lead status per rule conditions.

Assignment Rule for Ranking Leads (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_RANK_RULE)


Specify the rule to evaluate the lead and assign the lead rank per rule conditions.

Assignment Rule for Rule-Based Lead Assignment (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_MATCHING_RULE)


Specify the rule to evaluate the lead and assign the sale team resources per rule conditions.

Assignment Rule for Scoring Leads (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_SCORE_RULE)


Specify the rule to evaluate the lead and assign a score per rule conditions.

Assignment Rule for Territory-Based Lead Assignment (MKL_LEAD_ASSIGNMENT_RULE)


Specify the rule to evaluate the lead and further filter territories derived using territory-based assignment per rule conditions.



Specify the default assignment mode type allowed during on-demand or automatic lead assignment. On-demand assignment occurs when you select the assign lead action in the UI.

Lead Batch Reassignment (MKL_LEAD_BATCH_ASSIGNMENT)


Enable batch lead reassignment, in addition to lead automatic reassignment.

Lead Qualification and Assessment

This table lists the profile options that affect the qualification and assessment of leads. Before setting these profile options, you must perform the tasks listed under Configure Assessment Reference Data for Leads setup task. From there you define and manage the setup for configuring templates used for assessing and qualifying sales objects.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value




Enable the display of Qualification, a tab containing the sets of predefined questions and answers collected to assist in evaluating the lead.



Enable advanced lead qualification by specifying the template name to display the collection of questions, possible answers, and questionnaire feedback.

Enable Multiple Assessments Per Qualification Template (MOW_MULTIPLE_ASSESSMENTS_ENABLED)


Enable the ability to perform multiple qualifications for the same lead qualification template by setting the value to Yes. This setting isn't enabled by default.

AI Update Who Columns Threshold (ORA_ZCA_AI_UPDATE_WHO_THRESHOLD)


Specifies the percentage threshold value that tracks both the AI Lead Score field for Leads and the Predictive Win Probability field for Opportunities. The profile option is set to 5 percent by default. If the score in either of these fields exceeds the percentage threshold value specified in the profile option, then the Last Updated Date field gets updated for the lead or opportunity record.

Lead Update and Attribute Mapping

This table lists the profile options that affect the update of leads and lead-to-opportunity attribute mapping.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Add and Edit Products to Leads Enabled (MKL_LEAD_PRODUCTS_ENABLED)


Enable the ability to add or edit products to leads. The ability to add or edit product groups to leads is enabled by default.

Use Default Lead Notification Process (MKL_LEAD_OOTB_NOTIFICATION)


Specify whether default lead notification business process should be used. Set Yes for default process, and No for user-defined process or if no notification is intended.

Create Account and Contact from Lead (ORA_MKL_LEAD_ACT_CON_CREATE)


Enable the default setting for the creation of an account, a contact, both an account and a contact, or none during lead conversion. The default value is to create both.

Direct Lead to Opportunity Mapping (MKL_DIRECT_LEAD_TO_OPTY_MAPPING_NAME)

Copy Lead To Opportunity Map

Specify the mapping file name created in Application Composer, Copy Maps. This file is used to map objects and attributes when a direct lead is converted to an opportunity.


Standard Copy Lead To Account Map

Specify the mapping file name created in Copy Maps. This file maps objects and attributes during the creation of an account when converting a lead to an opportunity.


Standard Copy Lead To Contact Map

Specify the mapping file name created in Copy Maps. This file maps objects and attributes during the creation of a contact when converting a lead to an opportunity.

Lead to Deal Registration Mapping(MKL_LEAD_TO_DEAL_MAPPING_NAME)

Copy Lead To Deal Registration Map

Provides the mapping file name to be used to copy attributes while converting a Lead to a Deal Registration.

Partner Leads and Deal Registrations

This table lists the profile options that affect sales partner leads, deal registrations, and deal assignments.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Partner Contact Addition Enabled (MKL_ADD_PARTNER_CONTACT)


Specify whether to automatically add the primary partner contact to the lead team when a partner contact is added to the lead. The default value is Y.

Lead Registration Approval Administrator (MKL_LEAD_REGISTRATION_APPROVAL_ADMIN_PROFILE)


Select the recipient of notifications when an approver can't be determined, who's qualified to respond to the notification, and can modify approval configurations.

Deal Registration Expiration Days (MKL_DEAL_REG_EXPIRATION_DATE)


Specify the number of days, after the deal registration creation date, used to derive the deal registration expiration date.

Resource Sales Team Access Level Default for Deal Registration ( MKL_DEAL_DEFAULT_SALES_TEAM_ACCESS_LEVEL)


Specify the default access level for resources added to the deal registration sales team.

The following values represent the access levels for the team:

  • 100 = View Only

  • 200 = Edit

  • 300 = Full

Deal Registration Query Default Number of Days (MKL_DEAL_SEARCH_LAST_UPDATED_RANGE_DEFAULT)


Specify the default number of days used to derive the last updated date range when searching for deal registrations.

Partner Lead to Opportunity Mapping (MKL_PARTNER_LEAD_TO_OPTY_MAPPING_NAME)

Copy Lead To Opportunity Map

Specify the mapping file name created in Application Composer, Copy Maps. This file is used to map objects and attributes when a partner lead is converted to an opportunity.

Deal Registration to Opportunity Mapping (MKL_DEAL_TO_OPTY_MAPPING_NAME)

Copy Deal Registration To Opportunity Map

Specify the mapping file name to be used to copy attributes while converting a Deal Registration to an Opportunity.

Assignment Rule for Rule-Based Deal Assignment (MKL_DEAL_RBA_RULESETGROUP)


Specify the assignment rule that assigns resources to deal registrations. Resource members are added to the deal registration team.

Assignment Rule for Territory-Based Deal Assignment (MKL_DEAL_TBA_RULESETGROUP)


Specify the assignment rule that assigns territories to Deal Registrations. Territory members are added to the deal registration team.

Deal Registration Assignment Mode (MKL_DEAL_DEFAULT_ASGN_MODE)


Specify the default assignment mode used during deal registration assignment. The mode is set to rule-based assignment mode.

Advanced Lead Qualification Enabled - Indirect Leads (MKL_PARTNER_LEAD_QUALIFICATION_TEMPLATE)


Specify a default template to enable lead qualification for partner sales channel and display questions, possible answers, and questionnaire feedback in the Edit Lead user interface.

Days Prior to Deal Registration Expiration (MKL_DEAL_SEARCH_EXPIRE_RANGE_DEFAULT)


Specify the number of days prior to expiration that deal registrations must be included in the predefined saved search. 30 days is the default value.



Select the recipient of notifications when an approver can't be determined, who's qualified to respond to the notification, and can approve deal registrations.

Use Default Deal Registration Approval Business Process (MKL_DEAL_USE_DEFAULT_APPROVAL_PROC)


Specify whether the default deal registration approval business process should be used. The default value is set to Y. Set to No for customer-defined processes.

Lead Searches

This table lists the profile options used to manage sales lead searches.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Lead Query Maximum Number of Days (MKL_LEAD_QUERY_IN_N_DAYS)


Specify the maximum number of days allowed when searching leads based on the creation date range.

The value for the maximum number of days must be a positive number. If the value isn't a positive number or left blank, the value of 360 days is used.



Specify the default number of days used to derive the creation date range for searching leads. The search criterion is derived by using the current date for the creation end date value and the profile option to derive the creation start date value.

For example, if you want leads for the last 15 days to be the default query action, then set the profile value to 15. The default creation date search criteria will have an end date for the current date and the start date will be 15 days prior to the current date. The values can be overridden in the search criteria.

The value for the default number of days must be a positive number. If the value isn't a positive number or left blank, the value of 30 days is used.

This profile option can be defined at both the site and user levels.

Lead Query Warning Threshold Number of Days (MKL_LEAD_SEARCH_CREATION_RANGE_RECOMMENDED)


Specify the number of days for the lead creation date search criteria before issuing an alert to the user.

To disable the warning, delete the profile option value.

Lead Search Context-Based Data Security Enabled (MKL_LEAD_CDS_ENABLED)


Enable context-based data security policies for improved performance of lead search. The default value is set to N.

Note: If you enable this option, then you must also ensure that the filters in the Lead Overview page, such as My Leads, My Subordinate Leads and so on have the required access in Security Console. Otherwise, your lead data search won't return expected results.

Require Additional Criteria for Lead Search Enabled (MKL_SRCH_ADDL_CRITERIA_REQD)


Enable additional search criteria, other than creation date, when searching across all leads, or for searches relying on hierarchy rollups.