Overview of Scheduling Lead Processing Activities

This topic outlines the lead processing activity that sets lead rank, score, and lead qualification status for a selected batch of leads.

Lead data is generated from a variety of sources and goes through further enrichment based on updates and follow-up activities. As a result, lead quality must be assessed periodically so that leads get distributed to the right salesperson to ensure timely lead follow up and closure.

Note: Privileges provide the access required to run specific scheduled processes. Privileges are granted to duty roles, which are granted to job roles. To see which job roles inherit the required privileges, use the Security Console or the security reference manuals for the appropriate product family. For example, to update Lead records, you need to be granted the MKL_UPDATE_SALES_LEAD_PRIV privilege.

Leads are distributed to individual salespeople and sales territories for further qualification and follow-up. The Create Lead Processing Activity page enables you to:

  • Define and submit lead processing activities

  • Search for and select specific leads to process

  • Start or schedule the lead processing activity

Activity Details

You can run your batch assignment in diagnostic mode to view the details of the assignment processing in an output log. The process type determines the type of activity you want to process such as:

  • Lead assignment

  • Qualification

  • Ranking

  • Scoring

Each type is associated with appropriate rule categories and assignment rules for the profile option used to activate the lead processing activity, such as, Assignment Rule for Ranking Leads. For example, if you select lead ranking as the process type, then rank assignment rules are used for processing the selected leads.

Lead Selection

You can use filtering criteria for selecting leads as input to the lead processing activity. For example, you can process leads that are unassigned, or leads that have a status of qualified. The selected leads are processed (qualified, ranked, scored, assigned) based on the corresponding assignment rules defined.


Lead processing activities are scheduled for the purposes of periodic ranking, scoring, qualification, and distribution of leads. Due to the periodic nature of all lead processing activities, it's necessary to automate the running of these activities. Enter scheduling options such as schedule mode and frequency to determine when the lead processing activity should begin and how often the activity is repeated.