Considerations for Setting Up Opportunity Revenue

The sales opportunity revenue model allows several feature configuration options during and after implementation. For example, you can make some fields read-only and modify lookups to meet your unique business needs.

Revenue Amount and Revenue Type

Consider the following options about the Revenue Amount and Revenue Type fields:

  • You may want to configure opportunities with Revenue Amount as a read-only field. This setup ensures that the revenue amount reconciles with quantity and estimated price. By default, the Revenue Amount is editable for cases where salespeople know a projected revenue amount but may not know the quantity. You can make the revenue amount read-only through configuration. For general information about configuring applications, see the Configuring Applications Using Application Composer guide. You can find information on extending opportunity revenue pages in the chapters on extending business objects in this guide.

  • Using Revenue Type, you can categorize revenue lines for grouping, sorting, and summarization purposes. The maximum number of opportunity revenue lines for a single opportunity is 500. The application comes with several predefined values, such as Pipeline, Upside, Expected, Committed, and Closed. Stored in the lookup MOO_REVENUE_TYPE, the values are user-defined.

    Caution: You should avoid changing these values after users have begun using the application, as data integrity issues may result. If you do decide to obsolete existing values after the application is deployed, be sure to clean up the revenue records that refer to the obsolete values.

Product Selection

Consider the following options for product selection:

  • To enable users to browse the sales catalog, you must set the profile option, Browse Sales Catalog in Opportunities Enabled (MOO_ENABLE_BROWSE_CATALOG), to Yes.

  • The product and product group search screens and sales catalog filter by territory. This filtering limits the product selection to those products available in a salesperson's territories. A check box in the product search pages lets salespeople turn off the filtering. For more information about this setup, see the topic, Set Sales Catalog Options and Actions in the Sales Catalogs chapter.

  • The product and product group search screens contain the same values as those in the sales catalog, if implemented.

Sales Credit Assignment

Consider the following rules around sales credit assignment:

  • To enable the Sales Credit icon in the opportunity products table, you must set the profile option, Opportunity Sales Credit Enabled (MOO_ENABLE_SALES_CREDITS) to Yes.

  • The application automatically assigns the salesperson who added the product line to the opportunity one hundred percent of the sales revenue credit, and makes him the default sales credit recipient.

  • Users need Full or Edit permissions to override the default sales credit recipient.

  • The territory assignment process can update credit recipients, unless they're locked in.

For more information about how salespeople assign sales credits in opportunities, see the Using Sales guide. Also see the related setup topics for sales credits.

Business Units

Each product line is associated with a single business unit. The application uses the opportunity header business unit (which is based on the profile of the user who created the opportunity) to populate the default business unit on product lines. Business unit as a field isn't displayed in the UI by default, but it can be exposed to suit your requirements.

  • For more information about multiple business units in opportunities, see the topic, Overview of Multiple Business Units in Opportunities.

  • For more information about configuring applications, see the Configuring Applications Using Application Composer guide.

Multicurrency Support

Opportunities and product lines support multiple currencies, if multiple currencies have been implemented. When a salesperson adds a product or product group to an opportunity, the application uses the opportunity header currency as the default currency on the product line. However, salespeople can override the default currency. For more information about currency setup, see the topic, Set Up Multiple Currencies.

Territory Assignment

When you're using territory-based assignment, the assignment engine automatically assigns territories to product lines. Territory team members on the territories are assigned to product lines based on their membership in the territories. For more information about territory setup, see the topics on setting up territories.