Guidelines for Setting Forecasted Opportunity Revenue

The application includes opportunity revenue in the current sales forecast based on how you set up the forecast criteria. If enabled, you can see which revenue items are included in the forecast and you can include or exclude revenue from the forecast.

You can also include or exclude an entire opportunity, and thus its revenue from products, if enabled.

Examples of Forecasted Opportunity Revenue

You use the Edit Opportunity page revenue (or products) region to view which revenue items are in the current forecast. A check mark in the Forecast column of a revenue line indicates that the revenue is included in the forecast the next time it's generated.

Note: A revenue item marked as forecasted doesn't necessarily mean that it's already included in the latest forecast. The inclusion is dependent upon when the refresh forecast process was last run. For example, a revenue item may meet the current forecasting criteria, but the latest forecast may have already been submitted when the revenue was added to the opportunity. When the next forecast snapshot is generated, the revenue item is included, provided it continues to meet the forecast criteria.

Revenue is included in the forecast based on how the configuration of the forecast rules. Here are some examples of how forecasted opportunity revenue operates:

  • Opportunity revenue can be systematically added to the forecast based on a set of global criteria specified during setup.

  • Include in Forecast drop-down list:

    You can enable a drop-down list called Include in Forecast. The drop-down list appears in both the opportunity and revenue (products) region.

    In the Edit Opportunity page, you can override the criteria for an entire opportunity or for individual opportunity revenue items by using the Include in Forecast drop-down list.

  • The application changes the Include in Forecast setting dynamically when you make changes to any of the following revenue attributes in the opportunity page. (The corresponding forecast is only updated when you save your changes.)

    • Product Group

    • Quantity

    • Estimated Price

    • Revenue

    • Win Probability

    • Revenue Type

    • Expected Revenue

    • Status

  • The application always includes in the forecast revenue items that have a status category of Won.