Considerations When Managing Business Plan Classes

As a sales administrator you can manage business plans and their classes.

The following table shows business plan features and what you can do with them:

Business Plan Feature

What You Can Do

User-defined classes

  • Rename the supplied classes, add classes, and mark classes as disabled.

  • Use the Manage Business Plan Classes task to rename the lookup type values. The account and partner classes are supplied in the ready to use application.

  • In addition to those used for partners or accounts, you can add business plan classes that define more business plans, such as territories business plans.

Supplied business plan classes

  • Access the following supplied business plan classes:

    • Partner

    • Account

  • Enable and disable any of the supplied classes using the Manage Business Plan Classes task.

Default business plan class

The default business plan class is determined by the business plan class settings. A class represented by an enabled look up code with the lowest display sequence is selected as the default class of a new business plan. You can view and manage business plan classes using in Manage Business Plan Classes task. You can import business plans of any class that's specified and enabled in Manage Business Plan Classes task.

Conditionally required partner or account information

Partner information is required only if the class of the business plan is Partner. Similarly, account information is required only if the class of the business plan is Account.

Owner list of values

The Owner list of values depends on the class of the business plan. For the Partner class, the list of values shows selected partner team members as the candidates for the business plan owner. For the Accounts class, the owner list of values shows selected account team members as the candidates for the business plan owner.