Create New Sales Representative Role and Add Price Books Privilege

In order for your sales representatives to have access to price books in opportunities, they need the Manage Price Books privilege in the job role you give them.

High-Level Steps

It takes just three steps to set up the new role and assign it to users:

  1. Copy the supplied Sales Representative role.

  2. Edit your new, custom sales representative role to add the Manage Price Book privilege.

  3. Assign the new sales representative role to all users who need access to price books in opportunities.

You must have the IT Security Manager job role for these tasks.

Copy the Sales Representative Role

First, copy the supplied Sales Representative role:

  1. Navigate to the Tools Security Console.

  2. On the Roles tab of the Security Console, search for the Sales Representative job role (ORA_ZBS_SALES_REPRESENTATIVE_JOB).

  3. Select the role in the search results.

  4. In the search results, click the down arrow for the selected role and select Copy Role.

  5. In the Copy Options dialog box, select the Copy top role option.

  6. Click Copy Role.

  7. On the Copy Role: Basic Information page, review and edit the Role Name, Role Code, and Description values, as appropriate.

  8. Click the Summary train stop.

  9. Click Submit and Close, then OK to close the confirmation message.

  10. Navigate to the Administration tab.

  11. Click the Role Copy Status subtab to monitor the progress of the copy. After it completes, edit the copied role.

Edit and Assign the Role

Next, edit the new role to add the Manage Price Book privilege, and then assign the role to users:

  1. Navigate to the Roles tab.

  2. Search for and select your custom role.

  3. In the search results, click the down arrow for the selected role and select Edit Role.

  4. On the Edit Role: Basic Information page, edit the role name and description, if needed. Role code isn't editable.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the Edit Role: Function Security Policies page, add the Manage Price Book privilege to the copied role:

    1. Click Add Function Security Policy.

    2. In the Add Function Security Policy dialog box, search for and select the Manage Price Book privilege.

    3. Click Add Privilege to Role.

    4. Close the Add Function Security Policy dialog box.

    5. On the Edit Role: Function Security Policies page, scroll to the end of the list of privileges to see the new privilege you added.

    6. Click Next.

  7. Click the Summary train stop and confirm that the new privilege was added to your custom role.

  8. Click Submit and Close, then OK to close the confirmation message.

Assign the Role to Sales Representatives Using Role Provisioning

There are a few different options for assigning the role:

  • If you want all sales representatives to get the custom role, just edit the existing provisioning rule for the Salesperson resource role to provision the custom role. See the topic, Create Rules to Automatically Provision Job Roles to Sales Users, for the steps.

  • But if you want only a specific group of users to get the new custom role, create a new resource role and a new provisioning rule for the resource role, then use import/export to change the resource role assigned to the specific users. See the topic, Create Additional Resource Roles, for more information.

  • If you only want to assign the role to a few users, you can do it manually on the Edit User page. For an example of changing the resource role for an individual user see the topic, Change User Resource Roles When Job Assignments Change.