Default Sales Channel Setup in Opportunities

The sales channel of an opportunity indicates whether the opportunity is being handled directly by an internal salesperson, or indirectly by an outside partner, such as a distributor or a reseller.

You can define your territories to include a sales channel, which lets you assign defined resources for each channel and to analyze your revenue by sales channel.

Sales Channel Support

You can set the sales channel at the opportunity header and revenue item levels. The application automatically applies the header value to revenue items when the status category matches.

Use the Manage Default Attributes for Partner Opportunities task to set the default sales channel. This setup enables the Lead Registration Type of a partner lead to determine the default sales channel on an opportunity once the lead registration is approved and converted into an opportunity. If partner functionality isn't implemented, the application automatically sets the sales channel to Direct for all opportunities.

Default Sales Channel During Opportunity Creation

If you create an opportunity and there's no partner and no lead registration type associated with the opportunity, the header-level sales channel is set to Direct. If you add revenue items while creating the opportunity, the sales channel of the revenue lines is set to the same sales channel as the header.

If you create an opportunity from a lead conversion, it won't have a lead registration type, and the sales channel is set to Direct.

If you create an opportunity from an approved lead registration, the application uses the lead registration type to determine the appropriate header-level sales channel value. For example, an opportunity that originated from a Resale lead registration carries a default sales channel of Indirect (using the default configuration).

When a revenue item is added to an opportunity, the default value of the sales channel always matches the header-level value.

Note that if a lead registration is linked to an opportunity manually from the leads UI, the sales channel predefined logic based on lead registration type doesn't apply.