Set Opportunity Search Profile Options

You can configure opportunity search activity by setting profile options described in this topic.

Opportunity Search Profile Options

This table lists the profile options that control opportunity search activity.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Require Additional Criteria for Opportunity Search Enabled


Determines whether additional search criteria, other than close date, is required when you want your search to:

  • Extend across all opportunities

  • Rely on hierarchy rollups

Opportunity Number Search Enabled for Simplified UI


Enable opportunity search by Opportunity Number in the simplified UI.

Opportunity Search Close Period Default

Current Quarter

Sets the system date and system date + 90 days as the default value displayed in the Close Period list of values in opportunity search.

Search Opportunity Filter Default

My Opportunities

Specify the default value displayed in the table filter in revenue search.

Opportunity Search Context-Based Data Security Enabled


Enable for improved performance of opportunity search.

Opportunity Search High Performance Data Security Wrapper Query Enabled


Enable SQL wrapper query on top of data security SQL predicates for improved performance of opportunity search. If disabled, use underlying data security SQL predicates.

Opportunity Search Panel Collapsed


Enable a collapsed view of opportunity search panel by default. Set to No to have default view as expanded.

Sort Opportunity Searches by Last Updated Date

You can sort the records returned from your opportunity search by setting the Opportunity List Sort profile option. By default, records on the Opportunity List are sorted by Win Probability and Opportunity Name. However, setting the Opportunity List Sort profile option value to Y enables opportunities to be sorted by last updated date in descending order so that sales representatives can quickly review and action recently updated opportunities.

Set the Profile Options

Here's how to set the opportunity search profile options.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Opportunity Profile Options

  2. In the search region of the Manage Opportunity Profile Options page, enter the profile option name in the Profile Display Name field.

  3. Click Search.

  4. In the list that's returned, click the profile option name link.

  5. Set the profile option value as needed.

  6. Click Save.