Define Custom Dimensions

You can define up to ten custom dimensions that will match with customer attributes. The custom dimensions can be used with account, opportunity, lead, deal, or partner objects.

A limited set of sales account or opportunity/revenue standard fields, such as the line of business or revenue type category, are available to use with custom dimensions. For leads, deals, or partners, any standard or custom field, for example a custom field Branch or Sales Market, can be used with custom dimensions Your custom dimensions can be viewed and managed in active territories, territory proposals, REST services, and export/import management.
  1. Define a standard lookup to become the source for dimension members for the custom dimension.
  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Territories
    • Task: Enable Dimensions and Metrics
  3. Add a custom dimension and rename the dimension to reflect the business purpose for this dimension.
  4. Select the correct lookup type that you created.
  5. Load and activate your enabled dimensions.

What to do next

Add a field for assignment and map your new custom dimension for territory assignment to accounts, partners, revenue lines, leads, or deals.