Disable Rolling-Time Operators for Searches

You can use rolling-time operators, such as today, this week, and this month, as filters in work area searches. Searching for all the opportunities created this month, for example, returns all of the opportunities created in the current calendar month. The rolling-time operators use the time zone of the signed-in user for the calculation. You can disable any of the operators by editing the lookup type ORA_ZCA_ROLLING_TIME (Rolling Time Values for Work Area Searches).

The predefined rolling-time operators include:

  • Yesterday

  • Today

  • Tomorrow

  • Last Week

  • This Week

  • Next Week

  • Last Month

  • This Month

  • Next Month

Use the following steps to disable any of the values:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area, and use the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Standard Lookups

  2. In the Lookup Type field, enter ORA_ZCA_ROLLING_TIME.

  3. Click Search.

  4. You can disable any of the rolling-time values, by enter an end date or deselecting the Enabled option.

  5. Save your changes.