Edit Assignment Rules to Randomly Assign Resources to Opportunities

Create assignment rules using rule sets, rules, conditions, and actions. You can also edit rules and run assignment to randomly assign resources to opportunities. The assignment process uses rules to evaluate and recommend candidate assignments for specified work objects.

A rule category is predefined for each type of rule-based assignment processing supported by each sales application object. For example, the rule category Sales Team Member Recommendation Default Rule Category is predefined for resource rule-based assignment of Opportunities. When the filter is set to Random, a random selection of matching candidates is assigned to the work object.

For example, rules exist to assign any opportunity for software products in the California locations to Scott and Lisa, and server products to Tracy and Bill. Currently, the rules are configured to randomly assign one of the sales representatives to opportunities in different locations. You now want to update these rules to include new sales locations in San Diego and Sacramento.

Edit Assignment Rules

Here's how to modify assignment rules.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Sales Assignment Manager Rules

  2. In the Manage Sales Assignment Manager Rules page, select the category where your existing rules were created, in this case Sales Team Member Recommendation Default Rule Category.

    Note: Random is selected as the filter type.
  3. In the Conditions section of the existing rule, update these details for your object:

    • Attribute = Account State

    • Operator = Equals

    • Value = San Diego

    • Attribute = Account State

    • Operator = Equals

    • Value = Sacramento

  4. Click Save and Publish to publish the assignment details.

Run Assignment

Mateo Lopez, who's the sales manager for the Western Region, signs in to search for new software opportunities from Pinnacle Technologies in the Sacramento location. When he finds an opportunity, he runs the assignment process so that the opportunity is assigned to either one of the sales representatives, Scott or Lisa, as follows:

  1. Navigate to Sales > Opportunities.

    The opportunity landing page displays your opportunities.

  2. Select the opportunity you want.

  3. Click Actions.

  4. Click Save and Run Assignment.

    Each time you run assignment on this opportunity, it could be assigned either to Lisa or to Scott, because the assignment rule is set to assign resources randomly.

  5. Click the Team tab to check which sales representative is assigned to the opportunity.