Set Rule-Based Opportunity Assignment Profile Options

Whether you're using territory-based assignment or rule-based assignment or both to assign resources to opportunities, initially in your implementation you should validate the setting of these two profile options: Opportunity Assignment Mode and Assignment Submission at Save Enabled.

Set Opportunity Assignment Profile Options

Here's how to set opportunity assignment profile options.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Opportunity Profile Options

  2. From the Manage Opportunity Profile Options page, enter the profile option name directly in the Profile Display Name field.

  3. In the list that's returned, click the profile option to retrieve the details about the profile option.

  4. Set the profile option as needed.

These profile options influence the affect of rule-based opportunity assignment:

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Opportunity Assignment Mode

Territory-based Assignment Only

Specifies the type of assignment processing performed for opportunities. The available options are Territory-based Assignment Only, Rule-based Assignment Only, and Both (which runs both rule based and territory based assignment).

Assignment Submission at Save Enabled


Specifies whether to run assignment on an opportunity when it's saved in the UI. If you want assignment to run anytime users save an opportunity, set the profile option to Yes.

Sales Team Member Assignment Rule Category


Specify the assignment rule category used by the automatic assignment process to assign sales team members to opportunities.