How You Refresh Assignment Candidate Cache

Candidate data, such as resources, are loaded into a cache and used for each assignment request. Rule-based assignment requests that identify matching candidates or scores for matching candidates use candidate data.

You can refresh the candidate data cache at regular intervals using the Perform Assignment Data Publish, Refresh, and Synchronization scheduled process. This process marks the candidate for refresh, and the candidate data is refreshed the next time there is an assignment request using that candidate.

Note: This feature affects rule-based assignment using the rule set types of matching candidates or matching candidates with scoring only.

You can schedule this process daily, weekly, and so on, based on the frequency of changes to the candidates. Consider how often the candidate data changes and how critical is it to have the changes available for use in assignment. For example, resource details may change daily and therefore the resource candidate data cache for managing leads may need to be updated once every day.

The refresh cache process has these parameters that you must enter:

Candidate Object

Owner Module









Note: Don't enter or select values for the Application and Publish parameters if you want to run the refresh cache process.

For example, you can schedule one process for managing leads, using the parameter Resource_Candidate_Object_Lead/leadMgmt. Sales would need a process scheduled with the parameter Resource_Candidate_Object/sales.