Enable Display of Multiple Addresses

The edit pages for accounts, contacts, households, and partners automatically display a primary address region. However, you can change the view to display a table that lists multiple addresses.

How Address Details Display

Address details for accounts, contacts, households, and partners display on their respective Profile subtabs in edit mode.

The Primary Address region displays on the Profile subtab for an account record. This is the default view of address details. Use Application Composer to display multiple addresses instead of just one primary address region.

Considerations for Configuring Address Display Tables

Consider these points before you let the table display multiple addresses.

  • In Application Composer, you must ensure that only one of the address regions is exposed at a time in the Detail pages layout. For example, expose Primary Addresses or Multiple Addresses on the page, but not both at the same time.

  • The default type for Address is bill-to. You can configure the default address type using Default Address Type for Account and Default Address Type for Contacts profile options.

  • An account can have one or more sell-to addresses (or address type as sell-to). Account territory assignment is based on the primary address, and the primary address can be any type, such as sell-to or bill-to.

  • The default type when creating an account is Prospect. You can change the default type using the Account Type Default profile option. Similarly, you can use the Contact Type Default profile option to configure the default type when creating a contact.

Enable the Multiple Addresses Table

Use this procedure to enable the table that displays multiple addresses:

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Click Navigator > Configuration > Application Composer.

  3. In the Objects navigation tree, expand Standard Objects and then expand the object whose pages you want to modify. For example, select the Account object.

  4. Click the Pages node.

  5. Ensure that the Application Pages tab is selected for either the account, contact, household, or partner object.

  6. In the Details Page Layouts region, edit the relevant layout.

    If none exists, then duplicate the standard layout using the duplicate layout icon, and edit the resulting layout.

  7. In the Details Layout page, click the Profile tab.

    In the Primary Address region and Multiple Address region, do one of the following:

    1. Click Hide to hide the region at runtime.

    2. Click Show to show the region at runtime.

      For example, to enable the display of multiple addresses, click Hide in the Primary Address region, and click Show in the Multiple Address region.

  8. Click Save and Close, then Done.

  9. Publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.