Overview of Accounts and Contacts

After you enable the capabilities of account data management, salespeople can use their Accounts pages to manage their sales accounts. The sales account information includes their customers, prospective customers, and individual contacts.

Here's what salespeople can do with the account data management capabilities:

  • Create and update accounts, prospective accounts and contacts.

  • Maintain account data and view data in hierarchical fashion.

  • Enrich customer data.

Use the customer data management capabilities to:

  • Prevent and identify duplicate data: Administrators identify duplicates during real time or in a preconfigured batch. They search and match real-time accounts and contacts to prevent the creation of duplicate data. Potential duplicate data is identified based on preconfigured matching configurations.

  • Verify and standardize addresses: Administrators perform real-time and batch address cleansing for account or contact address information. They verify and cleanse addresses within an import batch during import. Address validation is used in context of master geography data, address cleansing in context of Customer Data Management, address cleansing batch and address verification in real-time on account or contact pages.

  • Resolve duplicate data: Administrators merge and link duplicate records to create master records that are the single source of truth. They can de-duplicate within an import batch and within the entire database. Customer data management uses a data quality engine to consolidate high-quality account and contact data from multiple sources, manage duplicate data, enhance data with third-party content, standardize addresses, and monitor data quality. These data quality checks ensure cleansed, enriched, and complete customer information that can be trusted by the sales team.

Note: A competitor is an Account with Competitor party usage. Thus, every time a competitor is created or updated, servers scripts run, as defined for the Account object. If you don't want the account triggers to execute during the competitor flow, then adjust the Groovy server scripts in the Account object to not execute in the case of Competitor party usage.

For more details on the implementation of customer data management, see the Implementing Customer Data Management for CX Sales and Fusion Service guide. Also see the accounts topics in the Implementing Sales guide.