Export Territory Data

Use export to create CSV files that are ready for your changes. To export territory records to update, create, or delete, select the Language Independent Header option under Additional Options in the Export Activity.

Use a Proposal

Do you want to import your territory data to a proposal so you can review it before activating?

  • You can create a territory proposal in the territory More Details UI, and don't add any existing territories to it. Make a note of the proposal number to use when you import. You have nothing to export with an empty proposal.

  • Create a territory proposal. Add to it territories you want to change or delete.

Use Tools > Export Management to export territories in your proposal. To export all territories within a proposal, use the filter criteria for the sales territory object: ProposalNumber = 'XXXX' (Replace XXXX with your proposal number.)

Export Active Territories

Do you want to export your active territories, make changes, and import directly back to live territories? You only need the records you want to change, such as just a coverage change or a resource (team member) change. Use filters to restrict the records you export. Here are some examples:

  • To export all active territories: Use the Filter Criteria for the Sales Territory object: StatusCode = 'FINALIZED' AND EffectiveEndDate > '<today's date>'. An example of the date format is '2019-11-19T00:00:00-00:00'

  • To export all active territories owned by Lisa Jones: Use the Filter Criteria for the Sales Territory object: StatusCode = 'FINALIZED' AND EffectiveEndDate > '<today's date>' AND Owner = 'Lisa Jones'

  • To export all active territories and coverage with the product Business Services: Use the Filter Criteria for the Sales Territory object: StatusCode = 'FINALIZED' AND EffectiveEndDate > '<today's date>'

    Also use the Filter Criteria for the Sales Territory Coverage object: ProductGroupName = 'Business Services'

  • To export all active territories and coverage with the included customer Pinnacle Technologies: Use the Filter Criteria for the Sales Territory object: StatusCode = 'FINALIZED' AND EffectiveEndDate > '<today's date>'

    Also use the Filter Criteria for the Sales Territory Coverage object: AccountName = 'Pinnacle Technologies'

  • To export all active territories and all industry dimension coverage: Use the Filter Criteria for the Sales Territory object: StatusCode = 'FINALIZED' AND EffectiveEndDate > '<today's date>'

    Also use the Filter Criteria for the Sales Territory Coverage object: DimensionName = 'Industry'

Tip: If you renamed a dimension, then include both the TerrDimensionCode and DimensionName in the export of the sales territory coverage object. The TerrDimensionCode value is required when adding sales territory coverage records.

Export a Territory Hierarchy

You can export an active or draft territory and all of its descendants, including territory team, coverage, and line of business information.

  • Use the export filter criteria to specify the unique territory number for the top territory in your hierarchy to be exported. For example, TerritoryHierarchyUniqueTerritoryNumber = 'CDRM_199'

  • If your hierarchy includes draft territories, then you must add the top territory in your hierarchy to a proposal first. Use the unique territory number generated in the proposal when you create the filter for export.

  • To export only active territories, filter with the unique territory number plus the status code "finalized" and an effective end date greater than today. Here's an example: TerritoryHierarchyUniqueTerritoryNumber = 'CDRM_199' AND StatusCode = 'FINALIZED' AND EffectiveEndDate > '2021-01-01T00:00:00-00:01'