Overview of Using Import Management to Import Territories

You can use import management to create, update, or delete sales territory records.

When using Import Management you export a single compressed file containing the files for sales territories, sales territory resources, sales territory coverage, or sales territory lines of business. You can select whether to export one, all, or any combination of the territory objects. You import separate files for the territory objects: sales territory, sales territory resource, sales territory coverage, or sales territory line of business. Additionally, you need separate import files for creating (or updating), and for deleting records.

  1. If you plan to import to a proposal, then create a proposal in the territory More Details UI.

  2. Export active territories or export your proposal.

  3. Map your source data to object attributes.

  4. Complete your changes for one or more comma separated values (CSV) import files.

  5. Create the import activity.

  6. Review your import results.

  7. Review and activate your proposal, if you're using one.

Always specify the user-friendly public unique identifiers when creating, updating or deleting territory records. Here are some examples.

  • Sales Territory

    • UniqueTerritoryNumber

    • ProposalNumber

    • ParentTerritoryUniqueTerritoryNumber

    • OwnerResourceNumber

  • Sales Territory Resource

    • UniqueTerritoryNumber

    • ResourcePartyNumber

  • Sales Territory Coverage

    • UniqueTerritoryNumber

    • CoverageNumber

  • Sales Territory Line of Business

    • UniqueTerritoryNumber

    • LOBCode

When you delete a territory using import, all the descendant territories are also deleted.

Create separate files for creating and for deleting Sales Territory Resource, Sales Territory Coverage, or Sales Territory Line of Business records.

Tip: Don't update records in the Sales Territory child objects. Instead, import to delete the record and then import to create the new record with the correct values.

Create New Territories

You can create multiple levels of territories within a single Sales Territory import file. When you create a hierarchy of territories in single import file, enter a UniqueTerritoryNumber for your parent territory in the sales territory import file. Then you can use this same number as the ParentTerritoryUniqueTerritoryNumber of your child territories. Another reason to enter a UniqueTerritoryNumber is you can use the same UniqueTerritoryNumber in the child import files (sales territory resource, sales territory coverage, sales line of business). Here are other things to keep in mind:

  • You must include the effective start date when you create an active territory.

  • Include the Proposal Number when creating a new territory that's part of a proposal. It's a good idea to set the unique territory number to a combination of the Territory Number and the Proposal Number.

  • When creating a new territory, the processing of the sales territory object import activity should complete prior to processing any of the sales territory child object (sales territory resource, sales territory coverage, sales territory line of business) import activities. The sales territory child object import activities can be processed in any order.

File Size

Each import file has a limit for the number of records you're importing.

  • Sales Territory 50,000

  • Sales Territory Resource 50,000

  • Sales Territory Lines of Business 50,000

  • Sales Territory Coverage 500,000

Coverage Tips

Here are some suggestions for your coverage data:

  • To create the coverage Any for an individual dimension, don't include a row in the sales territory coverage file for that dimension.

  • To create the coverage Any for ALL dimensions, include a row in the sales territory coverage file with the UniqueTerritoryNumber and the CoverageTypeCode. Leave all other columns blank.

  • To create the coverage for a Customer Inclusion or Exclusion, the application attempts to look up the account using RegistryID, but if not found it uses OriginalReference. If values for both RegistryID and OriginalReference are passed, then the RegistryID is used first.

A Sales Territory Coverage record can be deleted using these fields:

  • Unique territory number (UniqueTerritoryNumber): The public unique identifier number of the territory

    Coverage type code (CoverageTypeCode): Possible values are REGULAR, INCLUSION, or EXCLUSION

    Dimension code (TerrDimensionCode)

    Dimension Field: The value for the relevant dimension field representing the territory coverage record to delete.

Dimension Codes and Fields

Dimension Dimension Code Dimension Field
Sales Channel (None) Either SalesChannelCode or SubSalesChannelCode
Product Prod ProductGroupNumber or ProductGroupId OR ItemNumber or InventoryItemId
Account Type AccTp AccountTypeCode
Address Addr

AddressCountry and (optionally) one or more of the following:











Auxiliary 3 Aux3 Auiliary3Code
Auxiliary 1 Aux1 Auiliary1Code
Auxiliary 2 Aux2 Auiliary2Code
Business Unit BUnit BusinessUnitName or BusinessUnitId
Customer Size CSize CustomerSizeCode
Geography Geo

GeographyId or GeographyName (the full path needs to be provided, for example >United States>CA or ~Global~North America)

For Geo ranges, also provide GeographyHighId or GeoHighName. The full path needs to be provided (optional).

Industry Indst IndustryCode
Organization Size OrgTp OrganizationTypeCode
Partner Prtnr PartnerNumber or PartnerId
Account Acct RegistryId or OriginalReference or AccountId