Extend Application Pages for Activities

Use Application Composer to change the items that appear on the application set of pages for activities.

You can make changes to the following pages:

  • Activities landing page

  • Create Task

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Call Report

  • Edit Task

  • Edit Appointment

  • Edit Call Report

  • My Tasks

  • My Appointments

  • Activities subtab, available from the details pages of other objects, such as opportunity, account, contact, and so on.

For example, you can:

  • Hide or show existing fields.

  • Reorder columns.

  • Change column labels.

  • Add custom fields (all types).

Activities Landing Page

To extend the Activities landing page:

  1. Navigate to the Activity object in Application Composer.

  2. Select the Pages node.

  3. On the Application Pages tab, in the Landing Page Layouts region, Activities area, copy the standard layout and edit the resulting copy.

  4. Edit the My Activity Overview Table page.

Create Task, Create Appointment, and Create Call Report Pages

To extend the Create Task, Create Appointment, and Create Call Report pages:

  1. Navigate to the Activity object in Application Composer.

  2. Select the Pages node.

  3. On the Application Pages tab, under Creation Page Layouts, duplicate the standard layout for either the Create Task, Create Appointment, or Create Call Report page to create a new layout to edit. Or, edit another existing layout.

    To enhance run time usability for your end users, optionally group custom fields into field groups.

Edit Task, Edit Appointment, and Edit Call Report Pages

The Edit Task, Edit Appointment, and Edit Call Report pages consist of multiple subtabs that display along the left side of the page. You can modify most of these subtabs. You can also add custom subtabs to display records from child or related objects, for example.

To extend the Edit Task, Edit Appointment, and Edit Call Report pages:

  1. Navigate to the Activity object in Application Composer.

  2. Select the Pages node.

  3. On the Application Pages tab, under Details Page Layouts, duplicate the standard layout for either the Edit Task, Edit Appointment, or Edit Call Report page to create a new layout to edit. Or, edit another existing layout.

  4. When making changes to the Edit Task, Edit Appointment, and Edit Call Report pages, select the subtab you want to change first. The following subtabs are available from the Edit Task, Edit Appointment, and Edit Call Report pages. Use the following subtabs to configure which standard and custom fields display at run time.

    Tip: The changes you make to these subtabs are unique across the Edit Task, Edit Appointment, and Edit Call Report pages. For example, the changes you make to the Contacts subtab on the Edit Task page aren't reflected on the Contacts subtab on the Edit Appointment page.
    • Summary

    • Contacts

      Use the Activity Contact child object to add custom fields as needed, before you can select them for display on the subtab.

    • Resources

      Use the Activity Assignee child object to add custom fields as needed, before you can select them for display on the subtab.

    • Notes

      Use the Note object in Application Composer to create custom fields as needed, and to extend this subtab.

      On the Application Pages tab for the Note object, edit the default creation page layout or duplicate it to create a new layout.

      The Notes list page isn't extensible.

My Tasks Landing Page

To extend the My Tasks landing page:

  1. Navigate to the Activity object in Application Composer.

  2. Select the Pages node.

  3. On the Application Pages tab, in the Landing Page Layouts region, copy the standard layout and edit the resulting copy.

  4. In the new layout, edit the My Tasks Overview Table

My Appointments Landing Page

To extend the My Appointments page:

  1. Navigate to the Activity object in Application Composer.

  2. Select the Pages node.

  3. On the Application Pages tab, in the Landing Page Layouts region, copy the standard layout and edit the resulting copy.

  4. In the new layout, edit the My Appointments Overview Table

Embedded Activities Subtab

To extend the Activities subtab, available from the details pages of other objects:

  1. Navigate to the Activity object in Application Composer.

  2. Select the Pages node.

  3. On the Application Pages tab, in the Embedded Activity Summary Layout > Embedded Task List Read Only Overview Table or Embedded Task List Overview areas, copy the standard layout and edit the resulting copy.

  4. In the new layout, edit the Embedded Task List Read Only Overview Table or the Embedded Task List Overview Table.