Forecast Criteria

You set the forecasting criteria that determines what product items are automatically included in the sales forecast. The product items become the total forecast amount before adjustments.

Your forecast includes open forecasted items and items closed as won. The items also meet these criteria:

  • The item close date falls within the forecast period.

  • The item is assigned to your forecasted territory.

  • The item matches the forecast criteria. For example, include in the forecast all product items with a win probability greater than 70 percent. Or, You set the override for the forecast item to always include it in the forecast.

You can keep items out of your forecast by setting the override to never include an item in the forecast. Items closed as lost don't appear in your forecast.

Forecast Criteria Logic

The logic joins each set criterion with AND. If two criteria are for the same attribute and use equals, then they're joined by OR.

Here are example criteria:

  • Status = Open

  • Status = WIP

  • Product <> CRM

  • Product <> ERP

  • Win Probability > 20

  • Win Probability < 80

Here's how the criteria are translated logically:

  • (Status = Open OR Status = WIP) AND

  • Product <> CRM AND

  • Product <> ERP AND

  • Win Probability > 20 AND

  • Win Probability < 80