Overlay Forecasts

Overlay resources who aren't the owners of the primary territory can submit a forecast on the same revenue as the primary sales resource. The primary sales resource submits a prime forecast, and the amount should be counted only once for the prime forecast.

The overlay resource submits an overlay forecast, counting the same revenue a second time. If multiple overlay resources forecast the same deal, then the same revenue amount can be added to the overlay forecast many times. A primary resource for one territory can submit an overlay forecast for another territory, so the context of the territory determines if a user is submitting a prime or an overlay forecast.

Users can submit both prime and overlay forecasts. In this case, management often expects a certain ratio of prime to overlay amounts. Management can further analyze any major discrepancy from the ratio. The overlay forecast is taken from the nonrevenue credit split within opportunities, and is closely associated with the nonrevenue quota goals set on the territory.

The administrator must enable overlay forecasting using the Enable nonrevenue forecasting check box in the Select Forecasting Options page before salespeople can add to overlay forecasts.


In the Enable Forecasting field, you can designate territories as disabled for forecasts, or as forecastable for prime, for overlay, or for both.

An owner of an overlay territory can't access a prime forecast, and an owner of a prime territory can't access an overlay forecast. However, when managing revenue, it's possible to assign a revenue split to an overlay territory or a nonrevenue split to a prime territory.