Guidelines for Running the Revalue Opportunity Currency Process

The Revalue Opportunity Currency process manages the effects of revaluation of currency exchange rates on opportunity revenue.

Opportunity revenue is stored in the user-entered currency (also called transaction currency) in the revenue model. The revenue model also stores two exchange rates:

  • The exchange rate between the entered revenue currency and the configured corporate currency, as specified in the global configuration during the implementation. This rate facilitate construction of materialized views that roll up revenue metrics along the territory hierarchy.

  • The exchange rate between entered revenue currency and the entered opportunity-level currency. This rate calculates the opportunity summary revenue amounts as the sum of line revenue amounts. Opportunity line revenue amounts can be entered in currencies that are different from the currency specified at the opportunity level.

The process works in combination with these two profile options that store corporate currency and rate type:

  • Corporate Currency Default: Stores configured corporate currency.

  • Exchange Rate Type Default: Stores configured rate type.

Also keep in mind the following impact of the process:

  • The process can also be triggered when corporate currency, configured rate type, or exchange rate (or any combination of these) is modified, either directly through administrator intervention or when these currency parameters change in the general ledger.

  • Only product lines in Open status are targeted by the batch process.

  • When updating product lines, the process doesn't consider whether the revenue is already included in a forecast.

  • Forecasting activity is paused when this process executes.

Run the Process

Run the Revalue Opportunity Currency process from the job process screen available from the Scheduled Processes option on the Navigator menu. Select the job name Revalue Opportunity Currency.

Here are the steps to run the process in basic mode:

  1. Sign in as a sales administrator or as a setup user.

  2. From the Navigator, select Scheduled Processes (within the Tools category).

    The Scheduled Processes overview page appears.

  3. Click Schedule New Process.

  4. In the search dialog box, search for and select the Revalue Opportunity Currency process.

    The Process Details page appears.

  5. Click Submit.

This table shows the logical parameters expected by the batch process:




CRM Common Currency

Stored in the profile option, Corporate Currency Default (ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY)

  • Configured corporate currency.

  • Passed if corporate currency changes.

  • Program doesn't check against profile for a match.

CRM Common Currency Rate Type

Stored in the profile option, Exchange Rate Type Default (ZCA_COMMON_RATE_TYPE)

  • Configured rate type.

  • Passed if there is a requirement to reevaluate the conversion rate against a different rate type.

  • If no value is passed, the program uses the profile option value.

Business Unit Organization ID

No default

Leave blank, and all business units are targeted. Otherwise, provide the specific business unit ID.

Number of Opportunities per Database Update


Oracle recommends that you leave this parameter at the default value or blank (and program uses default value).

Last Batch Job Run Time Stamp

See Description column

This parameter can be used for batch program reruns. When a few opportunities have failed, the log reflects all the failed opportunities, as well as provides a time stamp for "Start Batch Job Time Stamp". Enter this time stamp on the second run of the batch program to limit the scope of the batch job to only the failed opportunities.

Effective Date

System date

Date passed to general ledger (using an API) to calculate the conversion rate. The program doesn't validate that the date must be in the future, so, in effect, any date can be passed.

Impact of Process on Revenue Attributes

The Revalue Opportunity Currency process impacts several revenue attributes, as shown in this table.

Revenue Model Attribute

Attribute Description/Function

Batch Process Update




These attributes store the exchange rate between revenue line currency and the corporate currency, and are used to construct the materialized views for Closed, Pipeline and Unforecasted revenue metrics along the territory hierarchy. For lines in status category of Open, these attributes are updated whenever a revenue line is created or updated or whenever an opportunity with revenue is updated or saved.

  • The default for CRM_CURRENCY_CODE is taken from the profile option, Corporate Currency Default (ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY).

  • The default for CRM_CONVERSION_RATE_TYPE is taken from the profile option, Exchange Rate Type Default (ZCA_COMMON_RATE_TYPE).

  • CRM_CONVERSION_RATE is calculated using a GL API.

CRM_CURRENCY_CODE and CRM_CONVERSION_RATE_TYPE are updated based on a parameter to the batch program. If these two parameters are passed in, the program uses them to update the revenue tables. If these values aren't passed in, the application retrieves the profile option values and updates the revenue tables with them.


Currency of the revenue (summary or line)

Entered currency. Not updated.



These attributes store the exchange rate between revenue line currency and the summary revenue (opportunity level) currency and are used to convert the revenue line amounts to opportunity level currency. For lines in a status category of Open, these attributes are updated whenever the revenue is created or updated or whenever an opportunity with revenues is updated or saved.

  • CONVERSION_RATE_TYPE is updated based on a parameter to the batch program.

  • CONVERSION_RATE is updated. Changes if corporate rate types change. Rate is obtained using (conversion_rate_type, line_currency_code, summary_currency_code, and system date).




For summary revenue amounts, these amounts are calculated as the sum of line revenue amounts. These amounts are converted to the opportunity-level currency before calculating the sum. The exchange rate stored in the CONVERSION_RATE attribute is used to perform the conversion.

  • Line revenue isn't updated.

  • Summary revenue is recalculated.


WHO column



Functional WHO column

Not updated.