How To Publish a Limited Set of Objects in Adaptive Search

You can choose to publish only those objects which have changed their configuration by performing a partial publish. This avoids having to perform a full publish every time there is a configuration change.

This significantly reduces the publishing time when changing Adaptive Search configuration or when adding new objects to your Workspace or other work areas powered by Adaptive Search.

For example, you have enabled 2 additional objects, Asset and Partner. You also made changes to the Account and Opportunity search configuration. If you have enabled the partial publish parameter, then instead of having to do a full publish of Adaptive search, you can now select and republish only both the additional enabled objects and the updated objects. The Enable Partial Publish parameter is enabled by default, but if you want to disable it, do the following:

  1. Sign in as a user with an administrator or setup role.

  2. Go to the Configure Adaptive Search setup task.

  3. Click the Parameters tab.

  4. Click Edit to enable edit mode on the page.

  5. Update the value of Enable Partial Publish from Y to N.

  6. Click Save.

Partial Publish a Limited Set of Objects

Once you have the Enable Partial Publish parameter enabled, you can choose to perform a partial publish on a selected set of objects without doing a full publish.

Note: Whenever a quarterly update happens, the Adaptive Search configuration version isn't updated unless a Full Publish is done. In such a situation, the runtime searching isn't affected and will continue to work. However, the partial publish feature won't be available. If you need to make any changes, you will have to do a Full Publish once to bring the configuration version to the latest version and only then can a Partial Publish be performed. If performing a CSM, a full publish is automatically started and when complete, you can make any changes to your configuration using the partial publish feature.

Here are the steps to perform a partial publish.

  1. Sign in as a user with an administrator or setup role.

  2. Go to the Configure Adaptive Search setup task.

  3. From the Configure Adaptive Search page, click Setup > Advanced.

  4. From the Actions menu, select Partial Publish.

  5. Select only those objects you want to republish and click Proceed with Partial Publish.

  6. Review your partial publish selections from the Partial Publish dialog and then click Publish.