How to Publish Assignment Information

Assignment processing uses only published assignment configurations and rules. Therefore, any time you change assignment configurations or rules, you must publish the changes.

For example, if you add a new sales lead assignment rule but don't publish the changes, then the next time assignment processing occurs, the assignment processing will skip the new rule.

You publish assignment information in the following ways:

  • Publish from an application's assignment setup pages in Setup and Maintenance. For example, publish in the Manage Sales Lead Assignment Rules page or the Manage Sales Assignment Manager Objects page.

  • Run the scheduled process Perform Assignment Data Publish, Refresh, and Synchronization.

Oracle recommends that you publish assignment information when you:

  • Update the assignment configuration, which includes assignment objects, attributes, and mappings.

  • Create or update assignment rules where the changes are infrequent or there is only a small number of assignment rules.

  • Create user-defined objects or fields that you're going to use in assignment.

Publish Data Using the Assignment Setup Pages

You can publish assignment data from any of the assignment objects and assignment rules setup pages, such as Manage Customer Center Assignment Objects or Manage Sales Lead Assignment Rules.

After you create or update assignment data or rules, in the applicable setup page, click Save and Publish to publish assignment information and make it available for use in assignment processing. Clicking the save and publish button submits the process that publishes assignment configuration and rules information. To monitor the status of the publish process, click the refresh icon next to the Last Published text in the page.

If you make updates to assignment data or rules and don't publish, a warning icon appears next to the Last Published text. If the publish process fails, the warning icon remains next to this text.

Publish Data Using the Publish Assignment Information Process

You can run the Perform Assignment Data Publish, Refresh, and Synchronization scheduled process to publish assignment information. You can schedule this process daily, weekly, and so on, based on the frequency of changes to assignment information, including assignment rules. Consider how often the assignment data will change and how critical it's to have these changes available for use in assignment.

You can use the publish assignment information process when there are a large number of assignment rules (about 100 to 1000) and when there are multiple users making changes to rules at the same time.

To run this process:

  1. Click Navigator > Scheduled Processes.

  2. Click the Schedule New Process button.

  3. On the Schedule New Process window, select Perform Assignment Data Publish, Refresh, and Synchronization process from the Name list, and click OK.

  4. On the Process Details page, select the application from the Application list.

  5. Select the Publish check box.

    Note: The Candidate Object and Owner Module fields don't apply to this process.
  6. Click Submit.

This process publishes all assignment information for the selected application so that it's available for use in assignment processing. You can use the Scheduled Processes page to monitor this process and to view the log file.