Lead Assignment Rules

You specify assignment rules for leads to determine the rank, assign sales resources, calculate scores, and qualify leads. This topic provides some examples of how assignment rules are evaluated. It also outlines some basic questions to consider before creating rules.

Assignment rules are created using work objects, candidate objects, attributes, and conditions. You can use multiple types of assignment rules and rule sets for assignment of candidates, such as rank, qualification status, and resources, to the lead. For example, you can specify the assignment rule that assigns resources to sales leads by assigning individual sales resources that meet the rule criteria.

When creating an assignment rule that uses a check box field, note that the value of true may be denoted by "Y" or "Yes" or "T". Ensure the check box is clear is you want to denote a false value.

Assignment Rule Criteria

An assignment rule can have one or more assignment criteria. For example, all leads, lower than a certain deal size and for a specific product, are assigned to a specific Partner resource. Another example might include assigning only those leads generated from a specific marketing campaign, such as a CEO round table discussion event, to a specific salesperson.

Assignment Rule Considerations

When designing rules, carefully consider how you want to match the candidates to the lead. For example, would you want resources assigned based on their geographic location, or their product knowledge, or their skill level, or a combination of any of these attributes? Do you want to match candidates only, or would you like to match them and score them to identify the best fit? In a multiple candidate scenario, do you want to assign all matching candidates or only those who achieve higher than a specific score?

Note: You can assign resources to leads only through rule-based assignment.