Microsoft 365 Monitor

The Microsoft 365 Monitor is a dashboard where you can see the synchronization statuses of all active users of the Microsoft 365 add-in. Along with viewing the users, you can also control synchronization activities.

To open the Microsoft 365 Monitor:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Microsoft 365 task:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Integrations

    • Task: Manage Microsoft 365

  2. From the Manage Microsoft 365 page, open Microsoft 365 Monitor.

The Microsoft 365 Monitor shows four information cards about the add-in usage:

  • Last Sync Failed

  • Never Synced

  • In Progress

  • Last Sync Succeeded

Information Card Name

What It Shows

Last Sync Failed

Shows the number of users whose data from the add-in didn't sync with the sales application in the most recently run sync job.

Never Synced

Shows the number of users whose data from the Microsoft 365 add-in never synced with the sales application, from the time the add-in was installed.

In Progress

Shows the number of users whose data is still syncing with the sales application. If you must hold the synchronization for any reason, you can select the users and select Suspend Sync or Disable Sync from the Actions menu.

Last Sync Succeeded

Shows the number of users whose data successfully synced from the add-in to the sales application.

You can see a table below the information cards. This table, by default, shows the details of Last Sync Failed information card. When you click any of the other information cards, the table refreshes to show details of the selected information card. Each information card shows:

  • Last: Shows the last sync status.

  • User: Shows the user name according to sales application.

  • Microsoft 365 User: Shows the user name according to Microsoft.

  • Last Sync Start: Shows the start time of the last sync.

  • Duration: Shows the total duration of the last sync.

    Note: Total duration includes Microsoft 365 duration, CX Sales duration, and also the time taken by any additional internal processes.
  • Active: Shows a tick icon if the user's credentials or token was active.

    Note: Active may show a failed icon, if CX Sales token refresh failed. This can happen if the Token Refresher scheduled process hasn't been run for a long time. When you see the failed icon, ask the user to sign into the add-in.
  • Authorized: Shows a tick icon if the user's Microsoft credentials or token were active.

    Note: If the Microsoft token refresh failed, Authorized may show a failed icon. This can happen if the sync engine wasn't run for a long time. When you see the failed icon, ask the user to sign into the add-in.

Available Actions

You can perform these actions, based on the synchronization data or the user data:

  • Suspend Sync: Select a user or more to suspend an ongoing synchronization.

  • Disable Sync: Select a user or more to disable future data synchronization. However, if you want to resume the synchronization, select the same users and select Enable Sync from the actions. The Enable Sync action is available only for the users whose synchronization is already disabled.

  • Delete User: Select a user or more to delete their details from this table. Note that this doesn't delete the user from the sales application.

  • Update User Credentials: Select a user and choose this action. A new window opens in which you can update the user's Microsoft email address or the sales application user name. Save your changes.

  • Export: Select Export to download the user details as a .csv file.

User Details Page

To go to the User Details page, click the user name under the User column in the table related to each information card. The page shows:

  • Name: The name of the user.

  • Status: Shows the status against the three parameters: Authorized, Active, and Sync Enabled.

    Note: The failed statuses for Authorized and Active statuses could be because of a Microsoft token or CX Sales token refresh failure. If you have manually disabled the synchronization for a user, the status appears as Sync Disabled.
  • Synced Records and Conflict Resolution: Shows the active saved searches and their corresponding conflict resolution, which was set by the administrator or the user.

  • Synchronization History: Shows the synchronizations run for the user.

  • Actions: Three actions are available on this page: Disable Sync, Delete User, and Update User Credentials. Depending on the need, you can use them. The Enable Sync action is available if the user was disabled earlier.

  • Click Close to get back to the Microsoft 365 Monitor page.