Modify Work Area Search Behavior

You can modify work area search behavior by setting the profile options listed in the following table.

Important: This topic applies only to work areas that use the legacy CRM search. If you're a new customer or if you opt in to use the new work areas that are based on Workspace, you must set up Adaptive Search and the saved searches for Workspace instead.

Profile Option Code


Default Value


Sets the minimum number of characters required for searching in the work area searches. If your data volume is low, you can decrease the minimum number of characters required for search to one. If performance is an issue, you can improve search performance by increasing the minimum number of characters required for search to three.



Controls the number of suggestions that are displayed in the autosuggest window in both global search and work area search.



Setting this profile to Yes, substitutes the Starts With operator for searches in the work areas. This setting requires users to enter the first characters of the name of the object they're searching for.

The default Contains operator makes it possible to search for the keywords within the name, including at the beginning, middle, or end of the name.

If you set this profile to Yes, then the application ignores the setting of profile Include Similar Results in Searches (ZCA_LM_FUZZY_SEARCH). Results with similar spellings are never shown.



The number of days a search remains available as a suggestion in the recent items list. For example, the default value of 60 days means that when you start typing the name of an object in a work area search, the recent items list displays any matching items you searched on within the last 60 days.



The minimum number of characters that must be typed before recent items suggestions are triggered.


Set the Profile Options

To set the system profile options, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area, and use the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values

  2. In the Search: Profile Option region, Profile Option Code field, enter the code.

  3. Click Search.

    The application displays the profile option information.

  4. Make your changes.

  5. Click Save and Close.