Overview of Setting Up Sales Assets

Assets are high-net-worth products owned by an organization. After you enable assets in the sales applications, salespeople can create and manage assets associated with their customers and associate assets with activities like appointments and tasks.

Here are some of the ways sales users access assets:

  • Click Sales > Assets on the springboard to use a full set of create, edit, and manage assets capabilities

  • Manage assets within the context of accounts

  • Associate assets with activities, such as tasks and appointments

  • Create an organization-level view of calendars associated with assets

  • Associate assets with opportunities and leads

Setup Options for Assets

This table describes the setup configurations available for Assets:

Decision Point


Where to Find More Information

Determine whether to use Oracle Supply Chain Management (Oracle SCM) Installed Base Assets or the default Assets functionality that comes supplied with the application

Which option you choose depends on your business needs. The default option lets your users do the tasks listed earlier in this topic. If you enable Oracle SCM Installed Base Assets, your users have additional capabilities for tracking assets in Activities.

See the Enable Installed Base Assets topic in this chapter

Expose the Assets icon in the springboard (default setup)

The Assets icon isn't available by default from the Sales springboard. You can enable it to give salespeople access to the Assets pages.


Enable the Assets list of values in Activities pages (default setup)

The Assets list of values isn't available by default in the Activities pages. You can expose the Assets list of values in activities, including in appointments, call reports, and tasks, to allow salespeople to associate an asset with activities.


Enable the Leads and Opportunities subtabs in the Assets pages.

The Leads and Opportunities subtabs aren't available by default in the Assets pages. You can expose the subtabs in the Assets pages to allow salespeople to associate leads and opportunities with assets.

See these topics:

Expose the Assets Icon

The Assets icon isn't available by default. You enable it using these steps:

  1. Ensure you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Click Navigator > Structure.

  3. In the Structure page, ensure that the Navigation Configuration tab is selected.

  4. Expand the Sales node and click the Assets link.

  5. In the Edit Page Entry: Assets page:

    1. In the Navigator field, select Yes.

    2. In the Springboard field, select Yes.

    3. Click Save and Close.

  6. Verify the changes by signing in as a user with access to the Sales pages, such as a sales representative. Ensure you can see the Assets icon on the Sales home page and springboard.

  7. Publish the sandbox.

For more information about modifying the UI and using sandboxes see the Configuring Applications Using Application Composer guide.

Sales Catalog Integration

The Assets application is automatically integrated with the sales catalog and with sales products. In the assets pages, lists of values appear for products and product groups that are included in the catalog. For more information, see the Sales Catalogs and Products chapters in this guide. Also see the sales user topics on using assets in the Using Sales guide.

Import and Web Service Integration

You can import assets into the application. You can also use web services to create an asset. For more information, see the Understanding Import and Export Management for CX Sales and Fusion Service guide.