Overview of the Main Navigation Components

Sales personnel use sales application work areas to perform their daily tasks. After signing in to the application, they land on the home page and use the home page springboard and global header icons to access the areas of the application where they do their work.

Note: The user interface described in this topic applies only to CX Sales, not to Digital Sales.

There are some main navigation and other components you should be aware of, such as:

  • Home Page

  • Springboard

  • Navigator

  • Global Header

  • Settings and Actions Menu

  • Infolets

Home Page

The home page provides access to available work areas. Users can quickly pick from the available icon groups and then navigate to a specific work area to perform their tasks. A single click on the Home icon or the logo in the global header quickly returns users back to the home page with its springboard and infolets. You can select your default home page layout as panel, banner, or news feed. You can also create, edit, or delete company announcements for the home page.

From the Sales tab on the home page, you can quickly create sales records from just one page. Use the quick actions feature to create your opportunities, leads, contacts, and activities, including tasks, appointments, and call reports, from a single location.


The grid of icons on the home page is called the springboard. When you see a strip of icons above a page, that's also called the springboard. Whether or not a springboard displays at the top of the page depends on how the application is configured.

Sales users click the springboard icons to open the work areas and dashboards used in their main tasks.

If a user has access to more than 16 work areas, the application automatically groups the work areas under a parent icon (or folder).

Here are the conditions for work-area grouping and springboard icon display. This behavior applies to all sales user roles.

User Access

Icon Display

User can access only one page entry or work area within a specific folder

The icon for the page entry/work area is displayed at the top level. For example, a sales representative with access to only leads, sees just the Leads icon at the top level on the home page.

User can access multiple page entries, up to 16

All page entry icons display at the top level.

User can access more than 16 page entries

Page entries are grouped under a parent icon (folder). For example, the Sales icon displays with work areas for accounts, opportunities, and leads.

User can access 15 or fewer page entries outside the Tools folder

These icons appear at the top level, and only the icons under Tools remain in a folder.


The Navigator is the main menu, found in the global header.

Users access the Navigator to get to their work areas and dashboards. Note that the Navigator might have more page entry points than the springboard.

Configuring the Springboard and Navigator

You can modify the springboard and Navigator using the Structure tool available to setup users. For example, you can:

  • Specify whether certain Navigator menu items, springboard, and home page features display.

  • Modify the structure, grouping, and ordering of the navigation menu items and the springboard icons.

To understand how to configure the springboard and home page to fit your unique business needs, see these guides:

Global Header

The global header is the area across the top of the UI. It is persistent across pages for all users. By default, the global header icons and links let users access:

  • Home: Returns the user to the default home/landing page.

  • User settings and actions: Among other actions, users can access personalization features, user preferences, and configuration tools (if allowed) by clicking on their user image or name in the global header. For more information on this menu, see the Settings and Actions Menu section later in this topic.

  • Global search: If enabled, users can search key fields across multiple objects.

  • Favorites and Recent items: Users can access links to pages that they have bookmarked or have opened recently.

  • Watchlist: Users can access a list of transaction-related items that pertain to them.

  • Notifications: Contains a user's appointment and task notifications.

You can modify the global header template. For more information, see the topics on modifying the global page template in the Configuring and Extending Applications guide.

Settings and Actions Menu

All users can click their user image or name in the global header to open the Settings and Actions menu. In addition to letting you explicitly sign out, this menu lets you:

  • Personalize the applications and set preferences, including changing password, setting the language, and adding a photo. The applications also support accessibility settings like font size, color contrast, and screen readers.

  • Display the help icons on pages where they're available. Not all pages have help icons. The help icons give access to additional content in a separate window.

  • Use the application as someone else if proxy users are enabled.

  • Access configuration tools such a sandboxes, as well as the Setup and Maintenance work area. This access is only for administrators and setup users.


Infolets are configurable portals on the UI that show sales data summaries. Infolets show up as a row of dots on the home page, above the springboard.

You can create new infolets, and add or remove them as needed. For more information, see the Overview of Infolets topic in the Creating and Administering Analytics guide.