Resolve Duplicate Records

This feature lets salespeople resolve duplicate records when creating accounts and contacts.

When duplicate accounts or contacts are found, they're displayed on the Notifications page. When salespeople create a record, they can either ignore the duplicates or select the correct record from the list.

Search Deduplication

When creating an account or a contact, duplicates are found based on one of these conditions:

  • Data quality management configuration for accounts and contacts

  • Exact name match profile options

Here's a list of profile options for account and contact deduplication.

Profile Option Code

Profile Display Name



Show Duplicate Account Notification

Controls the display of the account duplicate notification page. Enabled by default.


Show Duplicate Contact Notification

Controls the display of the contact duplicate notification page. Enabled by default.


Exact Account Name Match

Controls the display of potential duplicate accounts based on an exact name match, when Oracle Enterprise Data Quality doesn't present duplicate accounts. Disabled by default.


Exact Contact Name Match

Controls the display of potential duplicate accounts based on an exact name match, when Oracle Enterprise Data Quality doesn't present duplicate contacts. Disabled by default.

Note: If data quality isn't configured in your application and you require an exact name only match, then you must enable the ZCM_ACC_EXACT_NAME_MATCH and ZCM_CON_EXACT_NAME_MATCH profile options.

How Account and Contact Deduplication Is Performed

Here's a list of the impact of different combinations of the deduplication profile options.

Show Duplicate Account or Contact Notification

Exact Account or Contact Name Match




The application doesn't display potential duplicate accounts or contacts.



When creating an account or a contact, the application shows a list of potential duplicate accounts or contacts, based on the data quality configuration or an exact name match.



The duplicate notifications page is hidden.



This is the default setting.

When creating an account or a contact, the application shows a list of potential duplicate accounts or contacts based only on the data quality configuration.