Select the Correct Name Field When You Configure Account Pages

You can see two Name fields in the accounts object, when you add fields on a new layout, in the Application Composer. Hover over the fields to see the description for each instance; one field shows OrganizationName and the other PartyUniqueName.

The image shows what each instance of the name field represents.

When you add a Name field to a dynamic choice list for accounts, you can't see the description when you hover on the name field. The difference between the two instances is the value that's added to the list. The first instance of the Name field adds the organization name while the second instance adds the party unique name to the display list. Here's a description of the fields.

Field Name


Organization Name

Displays the name of the organization. This is the name you entered while creating an account.

Party Unique Name

Displays the unique name of a party. This name is created by putting together the party name and suffix. If the suffix is null, then it's automatically generated for sales account, sales prospect, external legal entity and contact.

When a suffix is null or doesn't have to be generated, the PartyUniqueName is same as the party name. You can configure the suffix using the task Common Party Suffix Format that's within Manage Address Formats.

By default, the suffix is configured using the city and country of the primary address.


Displays the name of the organization on the Edit Account page.