Set Sales Catalog Options and Actions

You can use the product group usage pages in Setup and Maintenance to change many actions of the sales catalog in the runtime UI.

For example, you can configure whether the sales catalog shows only product groups and products within a salesperson's territories, or if it shows all product groups and products defined in the catalog.

Set Options and Actions

Here are the steps to set miscellaneous options and actions:

  1. Select the Base catalog in the upper portion of the page. (If your catalog uses a different usage, then select it.) In the Details region of the page, the Product Groups tab shows the catalogs associated with the usage you have selected.

  2. To have the settings apply to a specific product node (or catalog), optionally, in the Product Groups tab, select the product group before making the changes in the other tabs.

  3. To modify functions, such as territory filtering, click the Functions tab in the Details section of the page.

    Within the Functions tab, click the Value drop-down list for the option you want to modify. If multiple applications have a row for an option, then select the row that has the application you want the setting to apply to. The applications that can use each option appear in the Mode column of the Functions tab. For example, click Territory engine for the Opportunity Management application shown in the Mode column.

  4. To set miscellaneous options, such as button labels to display and the number of products to display per page, click the Miscellaneous tab and then make your selection.

  5. Save your changes.

For more information on the options that can be set, see the topic, Set Sales Catalog Options and Actions.