Set Task Reminder Profile Options

Set profile options to configure task reminders for sales users.

Here's how to set the profile options:

Note: These two site-wide profile options need to be enabled as well: Disable Task E-Mail Notification and Disable Task Notification List. See Set Up Activity Notifications.
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance area, go to:
    • Offering: Sales
    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation
    • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values
  2. On the Manage Activity Profile Options page, access and enable these profile options:
    • ORA_ZMM_TASK_NOTIF_LIST_REMINDER: Enable to show task reminders in the Notifications area.
    • ORA_ZMM_TASK_EMAIL_REMINDER: Enable to show task reminders by email.
    • ORA_ZMM_TASK_DEFAULT_REMINDER: Set a default reminder period.
  3. Save your changes.