Set the Close Opportunity Profile Options

You can configure close opportunity behavior by using profile options outlined in this topic.

Close Opportunity Profile Options

This table shows the profile options that control opportunity close behavior.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Close Opportunity Win/Loss Reason Required (MOO_CLOSE_COMP_REQD)


Determines whether, when closing an opportunity, the user is required to enter a win or loss reason. Applies both at the opportunity and revenue item levels.

Close Opportunity Competitor Required (MOO_CLOSE_COMP_REQD)


Determines whether, when closing an opportunity, the user is required to enter a competitor. Applies both at the opportunity and revenue item levels.

Opportunity Close Date Default (MOO_DEFAULT_CLOSE_WINDOW)


Determines the number of days to add to the system date when determining the default opportunity close date.

The close date defaulting logic follows this precedence.

  • If the Close Window value on the sales method is set, it's used

  • Or else, if this profile option (MOO_DEFAULT_CLOSE_WINDOW) is set, its value is used

  • Or else, the Close Date is left blank

Opportunity Close Date Retain on Closure (MOO_RETAIN_CLOSE_DATE)


Tells the application to retain the old close date even after the status of the opportunity or product line is set to a closed status. If you don't set this profile option to yes, then the close date on the opportunity header or product line is updated with the current date when the opportunity or product line is closed.

Set the Profile Options

Here's how to find and set the close opportunity profile options.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Opportunity Profile Options

  2. In the search region of the Manage Opportunity Profile Options page, enter the profile option name in the Profile Display Name field.

  3. Click Search.

  4. In the list that's returned, click on the profile option name link.

  5. Set the profile option value as needed.