Set Up Microsoft Teams for Sales

As an administrator, you manage the Oracle Microsoft Teams integration for your users.

Here's how to complete the setup:

  1. Create the add-in in Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD):

    1. Create the application for the Microsoft Teams add-in.

    2. Configure the application.

  2. Set up in Oracle Sales:

    1. Enter the application ID, application key and tenant ID for Microsoft Teams on the Manage Microsoft 365 task page.

    2. Use Application Composer to add the Create Team in Microsoft Teams and Go to Microsoft Teams action items to the Edit Opportunity page.

Create the Microsoft Teams Add-In

To create the Microsoft Teams add-in, get your host URL and follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Azure portal at

  2. Click Admin on the home page.

    The Admin center page appears.

  3. Click Azure Active Directory in the Admin centers list.

    The Azure Active Directory Admin Center page appears.

    Note: If you're a first-time user, then you must sign up for your Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
  4. Select All service and then Azure Active Directory.

    The details page corresponding to the active directory appears.

  5. Click App registrations.

    The Applications list page appears.

    1. Click + New registration.

      The Register an application dialog box appears.

    2. For Name, enter a name for the application, for example, Microsoft Teams Collaboration.

    3. Under Supported account types, select Accounts in this organizational directory only (Oracle only - single tenant.
    4. Leave Redirect URI (optional) blank.
    5. Click Register to create the Microsoft Teams add-in application.

      The application appears on the App registrations page.

  6. The Application details page displays the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID.

    Note: Keep a note of these values because you insert these in the Manage Microsoft 365 task page later on. See Register Microsoft Teams for Sales for more information.
  7. Next click Authentication and from the Authentication page, click Add a platform and select Web as shown in this screenshot:

    Sample screenshot of Authentication page
  8. Under the Enter Redirect URIs section, enter the Uniform Resource Identifier, for example, http://localhost:3000/auth/callback).

  9. In the Implicit grant section, select Access tokens and ID tokens.

  10. Click Configure.

  11. Next click Certificates & secrets, and from the Add a client secret section, click + New client secret.

    Select a duration for the expiration of the Client Secret. For example, if you select 12 months, the Client Secret becomes invalid after 12 months, and the automatic refresh stops. The sync process will start only after you sign in to the client again.

    If you select Custom, enter the start and end dates, which must be within 24 months. After the end date, you must sign in to the client again, to start the sync.

  12. Click Save.

    The application generates a value for the key. Keep a note of this value because you will use this as the Application Key in the Manage Microsoft 365 task page later on.

  13. Click API permissions and click Add a permission. The Request API permissions pane appears.

  14. Scroll to the bottom of the pane and click Microsoft Graph Commonly used Microsoft APIs.

  15. Click Application permissions and select the following permissions:

    • Directory.Read.All

    • Directory.ReadWrite.All

    • Group.Read.All

    • Group.ReadWrite.All

  16. Click Add permissions.

  17. Click Grant admin consent for Oracle and then click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.