Knowledge Analyst (Job Role)

Individual responsible for creation of knowledge articles.

Role Hierarchy

The Knowledge Analyst job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Knowledge Analyst
    • Knowledge Analytics

    • Knowledge Authoring
      • Interview Definition Authoring

      • Interview Definition Publishing

      • Interview Definition Viewing

    • Knowledge Home


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Knowledge Analyst job role.

Duty Role Description

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Publishing

Manage access for publishing and unpublishing Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Viewing

Manage access for viewing Interview definitions.

Knowledge Analytics

User's ability to execute and create analytics reports

Knowledge Authoring

Provides for the ability to participate in the life cycle of a knowledge article from creation to deletion

Knowledge Home

Provides users with the ability to view and rate knowledge articles


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Knowledge Analyst job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Check-in Interview Definitions

Allow access to check-in Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Check-out Interview Definitions

Allow access to check-out Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Copy Interview Definitions

Allow access to copy Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Create Interview Definitions

Allow access to create Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Authoring

Manage access for authoring Interview definitions.

Update Interview Definitions

Allow access to update Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Publishing

Manage access for publishing and unpublishing Interview definitions.

Publish Interview Definitions

Allow access to publish Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Publishing

Manage access for publishing and unpublishing Interview definitions.

Unpublish Interview Definitions

Allow access to unpublish Interview definitions.

Interview Definition Viewing

Manage access for viewing Interview definitions.

View Interview Definitions

Allow access to view the Interviews menu item and Interviews page.

Knowledge Analyst

Individual responsible for creation of knowledge articles.

Access Knowledge from Shared Knowledge Panel

Allow knowledge access from shared KM Panel

Knowledge Analyst

Individual responsible for creation of knowledge articles.

Close Article

Not Available

Knowledge Analyst

Individual responsible for creation of knowledge articles.

Create Article

Not Available

Knowledge Analyst

Individual responsible for creation of knowledge articles.

Edit Article

Not Available

Knowledge Analyst

Individual responsible for creation of knowledge articles.

Preview Article Publication Detail

Not Available

Knowledge Analyst

Individual responsible for creation of knowledge articles.

Translate Article

Not Available

Knowledge Analyst

Individual responsible for creation of knowledge articles.

Use REST Service to View Products

Allows viewing product data using REST API

Knowledge Analyst

Individual responsible for creation of knowledge articles.

View Articles

View knowledge article

Knowledge Analytics

User's ability to execute and create analytics reports

Knowledge Analytics

Knowledge Analytics view and create

Knowledge Analytics

User's ability to execute and create analytics reports

Use REST Service to View Products

Allows viewing product data using REST API

Knowledge Authoring

Provides for the ability to participate in the life cycle of a knowledge article from creation to deletion

Knowledge Authoring

Manage Knowledge Articles

Knowledge Authoring

Provides for the ability to participate in the life cycle of a knowledge article from creation to deletion

Navigate to VB Page from Notification

Allows navigation to a VB page from a notification

Knowledge Authoring

Provides for the ability to participate in the life cycle of a knowledge article from creation to deletion

Use REST Service to View Products

Allows viewing product data using REST API

Knowledge Home

Provides users with the ability to view and rate knowledge articles

Access Knowledge Home

Not Available

Knowledge Home

Provides users with the ability to view and rate knowledge articles

Use REST Service to View Products

Allows viewing product data using REST API

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Knowledge Analyst job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Knowledge Content Types

A Knowledge Analyst can delete knowledge content types hcm content types

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Delete Article of a content type

Resource: Knowledge Content Types

Knowledge Content Types

A Knowledge Analyst can delete knowledge content types service content types

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Delete Article of a content type

Resource: Knowledge Content Types

Knowledge Content Types

A Knowledge Analyst can publish knowledge content types hcm content types

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Publish Article of a content type

Resource: Knowledge Content Types

Knowledge Content Types

A Knowledge Analyst can publish knowledge content types service content types

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Publish Article of a content type

Resource: Knowledge Content Types

Knowledge Content Types

A Knowledge Analyst can translate knowledge content types hcm content types

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Translate Article of a content type

Resource: Knowledge Content Types

Knowledge Content Types

A Knowledge Analyst can translate knowledge content types service content types

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Translate Article of a content type

Resource: Knowledge Content Types

Knowledge Content Types

A Knowledge Analyst can update knowledge content types hcm content types

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Update Article of a content type

Resource: Knowledge Content Types

Knowledge Content Types

A Knowledge Analyst can update knowledge content types service content types

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Update Article of a content type

Resource: Knowledge Content Types

Knowledge Content Types

A Knowledge Analyst can view knowledge content types hcm content types

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: View Article of a content type

Resource: Knowledge Content Types

Knowledge Content Types

A Knowledge Analyst can view knowledge content types service content types

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: View Article of a content type

Resource: Knowledge Content Types

Knowledge Departments

A Knowledge Analyst can access knowledge departments the hcm department

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Access Content with Department

Resource: Knowledge Departments

Knowledge Departments

A Knowledge Analyst can access knowledge departments the internal help desk department

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Access Content with Department

Resource: Knowledge Departments

Knowledge Departments

A Knowledge Analyst can access knowledge departments the service department

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Access Content with Department

Resource: Knowledge Departments

Knowledge User groups

A Knowledge Analyst can access knowledge user groups access to employee user group

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Access Content with User Group

Resource: Knowledge User groups

Knowledge User groups

A Knowledge Analyst can access knowledge user groups access to internal hcm user group

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Access Content with User Group

Resource: Knowledge User groups

Knowledge User groups

A Knowledge Analyst can access knowledge user groups access to internal service user group

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: Access Content with User Group

Resource: Knowledge User groups

Service Category

A Knowledge Analyst can view service category for all service categories

Role: Knowledge Analyst

Privilege: View Service Category (Data)

Resource: Service Category